Project members have been busy with conference participation and presentations.
27.5.2022 Project organized with TUCEMEMS and Trivium Landscapes of Devotion colloquium in Turku. Presentations by Sofia Lahti: Fragments of Lived Religion: Mapping Saints and Tracking Iconoclash. Anna-Stina Hägglund and Sari Katajala-Peltomaa participated in the panel discussion: Landscapes of devotion – new approaches to the study of saints, materiality and religion
4.-7.7.2022 IMC Leeds, double sessions with project ‘Heilige und Helden von der Christianisierung bis zum Nationalismus: Symbole, Bilder, Erinnerung (Nord-West Russland, baltische und nordische Länder)’, Universität Greifswald. Our presentations:
Anna-Stina Hägglund: St Birgitta and the Merchants: Brigittine Monasteries across the Baltic Sea in Testamentary Bequests
Sari Katajala-Peltomaa: Sponsa Christi and Beata mater nostra: Birgitta in the Feast Day Sermons of Vadstena Abbey
2-5.8. 2022, ISCH conference, Verona, “Cultures of Belief and Unbelief”
Anna-Stina Hägglund: Adopted nuns and the community of benefactors at the Birgittine monastery Nådendal
17.-19.8., Tampere, Passages from Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Experiencing Space
Anna-Stina Hägglund (together with Marko Lamberg & Piotr Kołodziejczak): Speaking of space in religious terms: an empirical comparison between five late-medieval towns
12.-13.8.2022 Project’s excursion to Kemiö-Parainen-Sauvo to study context of medieval churches and plan the coming year.