Final seminar 25 May 2023 - inspired and united!

The logo of the project: innovation and competence ecosystem in Tampere region for sustainable and smart textiles

Innovation and competence ecosystem in Tampere region for sustainable and smart textiles projects final seminar was held at Tampere University of Applied Sciences on May 25, 2023. The event was implemented as a hybrid seminar, which enabled participation both live and remotely.

The day included interesting, inspiring and collaborative presentations. Each presentation included themes important to our project: sustainability, ecology, wearable intelligence, innovation, smart textiles in general and multidisciplinary cooperation.

The seminar was watched remotely and on site by a diverse audience. Our guests who were at TAMK were able to network, and during the breaks, enthusiastic and happy people spoke about the themes of the day.

Our keynote speakers aroused interest especially among the on site guests. Keynote speeches at the seminar were given by Marina Toeters (Fashion Tech Farm |, Teemu Salo (University of Tampere), Andreas Schneider (CEO of Global Textile Scheme) and Anne Schwarz-Pfeiffer (Hochschule Niederrhein). We heard, among other things, about the development of a digital product passport in both the European and global framework, as well as about the product development of smart textiles and its importance from the perspective of human well-being.

As expected, the final seminar also presented the current stages of the project’s two pilots, Pilot 1 – A relaxing cloth for a team and Pilot 2 – A digital passport promoting responsibility, sustainability and transparency. Guests were able to see the prototypes of the pilots’ products and try out the functionality of Pilot1’s soothing sleeve and the functionality of the textile tags associated with Pilot2’s digital product passport.

Thank you to all participants in the seminar and special thanks to the presenters at the seminar! You can get to know some of the materials from the seminar presentations on our website during this spring. We will inform you about this on LinkedIn and on our website.

´In Picture: Keynote puhuja Teemu Salo -aiheena The Main Parts of Stretchable Electronic Systems. Picture: Minna Varheenmaa

In Picture: Keynote puhuja Teemu Salo -aiheena The Main Parts of Stretchable Electronic Systems. Picture: Minna Varheenmaa