Olli Pyyhtinen
- Professor
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358503187311
Field of expertise
Social theory
Circular Economy
Art and literature
More-than-human sociology
Relational sociology
Classical sociology
- Ontologies of Waste: A Relational Study of How Waste Comes to Matter for Humans, Society, and Future (WasteMatters). ERC Consolidator Grant, 2022-2027.
- Disrupted Waste Flows in a Broken World: A Critical Ethnography of the Circular Economy (DECAY). Academy of Finland, 2022-2026.
- The Meanings and Workings of the Gift: From Modernity to the Era of New Technologies. Koneen säätiö, 2021-2024.
Recent publications (selection):
Vierimaa, J. & Pyyhtinen, O. (accepted for publication) Multispecies Interaction in Dog-Assisted Therapy Sessions. Theory, Culture & Society.
Pyyhtinen, O.; Onali, A. & Zavos, S. (accepted for publication) Waste as Posthuman Critique. In H. Corvellec (ed.) Waste as a Critique. Oxford University Press.
Lampinen, S.; Pyyhtinen, O. & Uusitalo, N. (accepted for publication) What Remains: Representing the Absence-Presence of Waste with Gifts and Excess. In Zielger, D. et al. (eds) The Presence of Exchange – GIFT in Artistic Research and Beyond.
Lepistö, E. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2025) Affective Encounters with Waste: The Role of Affects in Trash Activism. Ethnography.
Pyyhtinen, O. & Zavos, S. (2024) Containment and leakage: notes on a general containerology. Theory, Culture & Society.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2024) Against Common Sense: On the Utopian Aspect of Concepts. Human Studies.
Zavos, S. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2024) The Limits of Waste as a Resource: A Critique and a Proposition Towards a New Scalar Imagination for the Circular Economy Model. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society.
Zavos, S.; Lehtokunnas, T. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2024) The (Missing) Social Aspect of the Circular Economy: A Review of Social Scientific Articles. Sustainable Earth Reviews.
Pyyhtinen, O.; Zavos, S.; Onali, A.; Sutinen, U.-M. & Uusitalo, N. (2023) The decaying stuff of the Anthropocene: exploring contemporary trashscapes through Ruination . Digithum.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2023) Living with Unruly Waste Matter: On More-than-Human Relationships. In Adrian Franklin (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of More-than-Human Studies. Routledge.
Lehtokunnas, T. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2023): Biowaste as fluid matter: valuing biogas and biofertilisers as assets in the Finnish biogas sector . Journal of Cultural Economy 16(2): 277-293.
Olsson, T.; Pyyhtinen, O.; Rantasila, A.; Laaksonen, S.-M.; Vigren, M.; Ylipulli, J. & Shawney, N. (2023) A User-Centered Lens into Digital Excess: Exploring the Superfluity and Environmental Burden of the Digital World. LIMITS, Ninth Computing within Limits 2023.
Suoranta, J.; Pyyhtinen, O.; Ahoketo, P.; Dufva, R. A.; Havu, S.; Hekkala, M.; Järvinen, T.; Kaipainen, S.; Kontio, S.; Lepistö, E.; Lintunen, M.; Matilainen, R.; Saukkonen, R. & Seppälä, M. (2023) Notes From the Sociologists’ Diaries: Lived Curriculum in the Time of Disaster. Handbook of Curriculum Theory, Research, and Practice, ed. P. Trifonas, P. Springer.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2022): Sosiologian vieraanvaraisuus ja ulossuljettu kolmas [The Hospitality of Sociology and the Excluded Third]. Sosiologia 59(4): 317-322.
Pyyhtinen, O.; N. Uusitalo; U.-M. Sutinen; S. Zavos & A.Onali (2022). Jätteen jäljillä [On the Traces of Waste]. Politiikasta.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2022): Lines that do not speak: Multispecies hospitality and bug-writing . Hospitality & Society.
Pyyhtinen, O. & Lehtonen, T.-K. (2022): The Gift of Waste: The Diversity of Gift Practices among Dumpster Divers . Anthropological Theory. (Online first.)
Jandrić, P. et al. (2022): Teaching in the Age of Covid-19 – The New Normal . Postdigital Science and Education.
Pyyhtinen, O. (2022): Antropologisen elementarismin tuolle puolen – Lahjakäytäntöjen moninaisuus nyky-yhteiskunnassa. Niin & näin 2/2022: 59-62.
Lehtokunnas, T. & Pyyhtinen, O. (2022): Food, Excess, Wastage and Waste: An Ethnography of the Practices of Framing Food Products in the Finnish Retail Sector . Geoforum 129: 28–38.