Publications & Presentations

This page contains the research outputs of the project so far, including links to publications and presentations. It also contains the titles of the lectures that Dr. Mari Korpela has given on the topic.


Korpela. Mari. 2024. International Children and the Institutional Infrastructures of School in Finland. Suomen Antropologi -Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 48:2, 123-126.

Korpela, Mari. 2024. Having a Laugh and Negotiating the Situation: The Significance of Humor During Fieldwork Among International Teenagers. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.

Korpela, Mari. 2024. Tutkijavaihdossa Brexitin jälkeisessä Isossa-Britanniassa. (Experiences of a visiting scholar in the post-Brexit UK). Tieteessä tapahtuu. 22.2.2024.

Korpela, Mari. 2024. “Where Should the Orthodox Christian Go?” Distinctions Based on Religion and Language in a Finnish International School. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. 14:1, 4, 1–17.

Korpela, Mari. 2023. Under the Radar – Expatriate Children and Integration in Finland. Barn. Forskning om barn og barndom i Norden. 41:2-3, 107-120.

Korpela, Mari. 2023. International lives and Finnish rhythms: Mobile professionals’ children, time and agencyGlobal Studies of Childhood.

Korpela, Mari. 2022. “Then we decided not to tell the adults.” Fieldwork among children in an international school. Ethnography.


Mari  Korpela. An ethnographic film with international teenagers: Negotiating the urban space and disseminating among policy-makers. Symposium: Performing Arts in Urban Space, Creative Methods in Social Research: Afternoon session for research papers. Tampere University. 11.12.2024.

Mari Korpela. Privileged Precarious Childhood? The Nordic Migration Research conference The politics of Mobility and Precarity – and the Alternatives. Bergen, Norway. 15.8.2024.

Mari Korpela. Friends and Family Here and Now or There and Then? Experiences of Children of Skilled International Professionals in Finland.  The EASA conference Doing and Undoing in Anthropology. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 24.7.2024.

Mari Korpela. Successes and Failures with Participatory Visual Methods with International Children and Teenagers in Finland. Workshop: Artistic and Creative Methods in Ethnographic Research. 6.6.2024.

Mari Korpela. Kansainväliset osaajat sekä puolisoiden ja perheiden asema (Skilled international professionals and the position of their spouses and families). Osaavan työvoiman saatavuus ja saatavuuden varmistaminen -työpaja. Tampereen kaupunki. 17.5.2024.

Mari Korpela. A community of their own: Everyday experiences of expatriate children in Finland. Childhood and Communities: The X Conference of Childhood Studies. Uiversity of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 16.5.2024.

Mari Korpela. Transnationally Mobile but Life is Here and Now: Experiences of Expatriate Children and Teenagers in Finland. Work in progress seminar, Department of sociology, Lancaster University, UK. 15.2.2024.

Mari Korpela. Life is here and now: Experiences and Views of Expatriate Children and Teenagers in Finland. Symposium: Mobile Professionals and Families. Tampere, Finland. 18.1.2024.

Mari Korpela. Visual methods with expatriate youth in Finland: What is actually made visible? AAA & Casca conference ”Transitions”. Toronto, Canada. 19.11.2023.

Mari Korpela. Observing and Participating: Ethnographic Research Among Expatriate Children and Youth in Finland. PARS Playwork Practice Conference. 14.10.2023.

Mari Korpela. Successes & Failures: an ethnographic study among children of highly skilled international professionals in Finland. Childhood and Youth Network. University of Manchester, UK. 11.10.2023.

Mari Korpela. Ekspatriaattilapsuus: Lasten kokemuksia tilapäisestä maahanmuutosta. Faculty of Education and Culture. Tampere University, Finland. 10.10.2023.

Mari Korpela. Third Culture Kids or International Children: Is it about Class, Race, Nationality or Something Else? A presentation at critical crossroads in Nordic Childhood Studies: 40th Anniversary conference of the Nordic journal BARN. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. 16.8.2023.

Mari Korpela. Expatriates or Skilled Professionals? Travellers or Migrants? Presentation at the Tourism, Travel, Culture and Heritage Research Group Symposium “At the Intersections of Travel.”Liverpool John Moores University, UK. July 3, 2023.

Mari Korpela. “She was writing down notes more furiously than ever before.” The dynamics of play and jokes during fieldwork with expatriate youth in Finland. Presentation at the ASA conference ”An Unwell World? Anthropology in a Speculative Mode.” SOAS, London, UK. April 13, 2023.

Mari Korpela. Where Should the Orthodox Christian Go?’ The (Un)intentional Distinctions Based on Religion in a Finnish International School. Religion and Society seminar, Durham University. Nov. 1, 2022.

Mari Korpela. Deconstructing Privilege: The Everyday Lives of Expatriate Children in Finland. Keynote presentation in the IMISCOE Privileged Mobilities research network Online Talks. Oct. 7, 2022.

Mari Korpela. Doing visual anthropology with children and teenagers: Disappointments, failures, joys and excitement. Presentation in the EASA conference ”Transformation, Hope and the Commons.” Belfast, UK. July, 26, 2022.

Mari Korpela: International children and the infrastructures of schools in Finland. Presentation in the workshop Anthropology and Infrastructures. Tampere University. May 2, 2022.

Mari Korpela: “The school is much better in Finland.” Children of international professionals navigating structural constraints. Presentation in the conference Global Mobility Humanities Conference. Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea. October, 29, 2021.

Mari Korpela: “I’m having so much fun here!” Expatriate chidlren negotiating rules and practices in a Finnish international school. Presentation during the conference SIEF, Breaking the Rules. Power, participation, transgression, University of Helsinki, June 23, 2021.

Mari Korpela: International Lives and Finnish Rhythms: Expatriate Children and Time. Presentation during the conference Childhood and Time. Conference on Childhood Studies, University of Tampere, May 12,2021.

Mari Korpela:  Expatriates or Migrants? The Experiences and Views of Skilled Professionals’ Children in Finland. Presentation during the conference Colonial/ Racial Histories, National Narratives & Transnational Migration. Nordic Migration Research (NMR) and Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) conference, University of Helsinki, January 11, 2021.

Mari Korpela:Do Class Differences Matter for Third Culture Kids? Zoom presentation. Webinar by Families in Global Transition, research network. 26.6.2020.

Mari Korpela: Ethnographic Fieldwork among Children in an International School. Zoom presentation during the webinar ‘Ethnographic Research Methods in Childhood Studies’, University of Tampere, October 29th, 2020.

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Expatriate Childhood: an ethnographic study among children of highly skilled international professionals in Finland. St. Thomas University, Fredericton, Canada. 14.11.2023.

Ekspatriaatit, elämäntapamuuttajat ja asioiden kansallinen järjestys (Expatriates, lifestyle migrants and the national order of things). On the course Muuttoliike ja kulttuurinen moninaisuus. Tampere University, 5.10.2020.

Ekspatriaatit, elämäntapamuuttajat ja asioiden kansallinen järjestys (Expatriates, lifestyle migrants and the national order of things). On the course Muuttoliikkeen tutkimuksen nykykeskustelut. Tampere University, 4.11.2019.