Panel - Expatriate Families: Rules, Power, Participation and Transgression

SIEF2021 15th Congress

June 21st – 24th, 2021



Panel on expatriate families will be held during the 15th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore. Call for papers has opened for the panel convened by Mari Korpela (Tampere University) and Poulamee Guha (University of Auckland, New Zealand).

International mobility of skilled professionals is governed by various rules and policies, posed by the sending and receiving states and by the organisations where the professionals work. This panel discusses the phenomenon from the point of view of the accompanying children and spouses. The panel welcomes both empirical and conceptual papers discussing the rules, practices, power, participation and transgression among expatriate families.

Read more or propose your paper here

The panel is convened as a part of the SIEF2021 in Helsinki, Finland, on 21st-24th of June 2021. The Congress will take place virtually. 

Read more here:

SIEF2021 15th Congress – Breaking the Rules? Power, Participation, Transgression


Picture: SIEF2021 logo