About me
Dr Tim Greacen, former Chairperson of the ENTER Mental Health European Network, is Director of the Research Laboratory of the GHU-Paris Psychiatry and Neurosciences, where he has been managing the Paris contribution to EU projects such as Promoting Mental Health minimising mental illness and Integrating Social Inclusion through Education, (PROMISE, DG SANCO, n° 2008-216), Best Practise in Access, Quality and Appropriateness of Health Services for Immigrants in Europe (EUGATE, DG SANCO, n° 2006-129), Best Practise in Promoting Mental Health in Socially Marginalized People in Europe (PROMO, DG SANCO, n° 2006-328), Dual diagnosis patient pathways through care (ISADORA, EC FP5: QLG4-CT-2002-00911) and Empowerment of Mental Illness Service Users Through Lifelong Learning Integration and Action (EMILIA, CIT-3-2005-513435), and, at a national level, managing projects such as the Parental Skills and Attachment in Early Childhood Program (CAPEDP) or the Housing First Program Un Chez Soi d’Abord. Author and editor of seven books and numerous publications in the field of service user empowerment, mental health promotion and doctor-patient relationships, targeting both scientific and professional audiences as well as the general public, Dr Greacen is a recognised figure in France in the field of mental health promotion and prevention, user empowerment, and user participation in health services. In 2014, he was elected chairperson of the Working Group on Mental Health for the Greater Paris Area Regional Health Conference, position that he still holds in 2020.