Education in prison, for whom?

Scrabble board with a text: Lifelong Learning

Having relevant skills and education are considered the best indicators of reintegration into society after release from prison, but majority of young, incarcerated people have a lower education level and participate less in education compared to the same age population at large. The article based on EduMAP research data focuses on finding solutions for overcoming the barriers to prison education in Finland.

EduMAP researchers Jaakko Hyytiä and Paula Alanen explored the barriers to education in Finnish open prisons, asking: What are the perceptions and experiences of barriers to education among prisoner-students, educators, and other professionals engaged in vocational prison education? The research data consists of 29 interviews that were gathered during EduMAP project of vocational education and training (VET) students (11), teachers, prison staff and other experts (18) in Finland. The analysis is based on a framework of the comprehensive lifelong learning (LLL) participation model (Boeren, 2017). The analysis demonstrated that the conflicting policies and practices of education and jurisdiction, the two sectors involved in prison education, challenge low educated individuals’ successful entry to and participation in education while incarcerated.