Kiinnostaako tekoäly? AI Morning kisakatsomo Seinäjoella 7.12.2022

DATOS-hanke järjestää yhteistyössä Kampusklubin kanssa AI Morning -tapahtuman kisakatsomon 7.12.2022 klo 9–12 Seinäjoella.

”AI with Edges”

In this AI morning we will be discussing applying AI in restrictive environments:

  • in challenging industrial applications, where real-world constraints affect AI design and usage
  • in environments with system limitations such as low resource hardware
Technology trends
  • Tarmo Pajunen, Silo AI
  • Heikki Huttunen, Visy Oy
  • Laura Ruotsalainen, FCAI
Real-world challenges from companies
  • Short presentations (4-5 companies)
  • Panel / joint discussion with all participants
  • Wrap-up and next steps
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