CONVERGENCE Researchers Take on the Tampere City Challenge Hackathon

Lin and Anns from CONVERGENCE project participated in the Tampere City Challenge hackathon to grow ecosystems Sustainable Industry X, Resilient Smart Cities and Digital Health and Wellbeing.

In the dynamic landscape of technological innovation, harnessing the power of collaboration and creativity is paramount. It is with this ethos in mind that our Doctoral Researchers, Lin and Anns, anticipate their participation in the Tampere City Challenge hackathon, hosted by the City of Tampere together with other young motivated researchers! Their project, aptly named “We-Health,” aimed to revolutionize healthcare delivery through the amalgamation of wearable devices, AI/ML algorithms, and telemedicine for continuous chronic illness and mental well-being monitoring.

Project Genesis: We-Health

We-Health stemmed from a collective ambition to address pressing issues in healthcare delivery. Recognizing the growing importance of remote monitoring and personalized care, they envisioned a comprehensive system that would empower individuals to manage their health proactively. By integrating wearable devices capable of real-time health data collection with AI/ML algorithms for analysis and telemedicine for remote consultations, We-Health aimed to bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers, ensuring continuous monitoring and timely interventions.

The Hackathon Journey

With a clear vision in mind, our doctoral researchers embarked on their hackathon journey with determination. The event unfolded over three intense days, marked by collaboration, innovation, and relentless pursuit of their goals.

The team navigated through checkpoints, pitching training sessions, and mentoring sessions with precision and focus. They meticulously incorporated feedback from mentors, refining their project at every stage. Their dedication and progress did not go unnoticed, garnering admiration from both peers and organizers alike.


Anns and Lin’s journey at the Tampere City Challenge hackathon exemplifies the transformative power of innovation and collaboration. Through their project, We-Health, they do not only envision a brighter future for healthcare data delivery but have also laid the groundwork for tangible change.

Hsiao-Chun Lin

  • Doctoral Researcher
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358505976552
More information

Tippayaporn Pavavimol

  • Doctoral Researcher
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358504065108