My name is Zain Taufique and I am originally from Pakistan. I have completed my bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Engineering, and Technology (UET), Lahore. I have received my master’s degree in Electronics and Embedded Systems from Lahore University of Management and Sciences (LUMS) in 2020. I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. degree with University of Turku, Finland. I have a 6 years long versatile experience in multiple engineering industries including, manufacturing, FMCGs, textiles, smart grids, transportation, and bio-medical wearable devices.
My research interests include:
- Low Power Wearable Designs
- FPGA based hardware reconfiguration
- Approximate Computing on IoT devices
- Deep Learning on Hardware applications
- Machine Learning based Autonomous Applications
- Bio-medical wearable devices
The title of my PhD is “Design of Reconfigurable and Approximate Functional Units for Wearable Applications.” Wearable devices are used to enable a vast range of complex computing applications that are very power intensive and require significant energy resources. Approximate computing can help cater these high-power demands through intelligent logic designs. The basic idea of approximate functional units is to design the application with these operational building blocks that can compromise the accuracy to a tolerable range to achieve significant power savings.
I am grateful to be a part of the Marie Curie APROPOS program. I have been working in the fields of embedded systems both as an industrial professional and academic researcher for the last three years. The current opportunity will enable me to exploit my previous skills, and experience to cater path-breaking research. Moreover, it will open new horizons of academic and industrial affiliations with the leading professionals.