M10 Proposed wearables network architecture published at the webpage

The attached document comprises the Milestone 10 – “Proposed wearable network architecture published at the webpage”. This document covers the main networking architectures for wearables, the workflow for wearable data handling, and the related enabling technologies. This document also reports an overview of the proposed framework for wearables built upon the identified enabling technologies. Parts of this deliverable are reused from the results of ESRs and supervisors of H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network/European Joint Doctorate, A-WEAR Project published in [1] and [2].

[1] A. Ometov, V. Shubina, L. Klus, J. Skibińska, S. Saafi, P. Pascacio, L. Flueratoru, D. Q. Gaibor, N. Chukhno, O. Chukhno et al., “A Survey on Wearable Technology: History, State-of-the-Art and Current Challenges,” Computer Networks, p. 108074, 2021.
[2] O. Chukhno, N. Chukhno, G. Araniti, C. Campolo, A. Iera, and A. Molinaro, “Optimal Placement of Social Digital Twins in Edge IoT Networks,” Sensors, vol. 20, no. 21, p. 6181, 2020.