AGENDA: A-WEAR July event at Reggio Calabria, Italy

Program in pdf

Agenda for the event. Central European Summer Time!

Thursday 07.07

Location for both days: Aula Quaroni, Architecture building, Reggio Calabria

9:00 Registration

9:30 Opening

10:00 Talk 1: Ilaria Lener (T6 Ecosystems) “Tips and tricks for successful implementation of EU-funded projects”

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 ESR 1

11:55 ESR 2

12:20 ESR 4

12:40 ESR 5

13:00 Lunch break

14:30 Talk 2: Joaquín Torres Sospedra (Universidade do Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal) “Be ready for the next step before completing your PhD”

15:30 End of Day 1

Free time (to visit the city, the Museum, and other attractions)

20:30 Social dinner: Bahianaca Club

Friday 08.07

9:00 Panel: “Which career after the PhD? Experiences of former MSCA ESRs”
Roberto Morabito (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Giovanni Interdonato (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio)

10:00 ESR 6

10:20 ESR 8

10:40 ESR 9

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 ESR 3

11:55 ESR 10

12:15 ESR 11

12:35 ESR 12

13:00 Lunch break

14:30 ESR 13

14:50 ESR 14

15:15 ESR 15

15:40 ESR 16

16:00 Talk 3: Domenico Nicolò (University of Reggio Calabria) “The vulnerability and development factors of startups”

16:30 Closing remarks

16:45 End of Day 2

Saturday 09.07