Principal investigator and contact person of the survey

Linda Enroth
- Senior Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358401901647
About me
My background is in health sciences and I got my PhD in the field of Gerontology (University of Tampere, Finland). In addition, I have a title of a docent in Ageing and social change (Linköping University, Sweden).
I am a principal investigator of the Vitality 90+ Study, which is a multidisciplinary research project on health, functioning, living conditions, quality of life and care needs among the oldest old individuals.
My research interests include health, functioning, health and social care use, and longevity. Especially I am interested in their predictors, social inequality and change over time. In addition, I am interested in extreme air temperature-related public health effects such as quality of life, health care use and mortality among older people.
Research topics
Health and functioning
Socioeconomic status
Health inequality
Life expectancy
Health expectancy
Health and social care services
Research fields
Health Sciences
2022- Chair in the Finnish Society for Growth and Ageing Research
2022- Board member in the Nordic Gerontological Federation
2022- Member of the Faculty Council, Tampere University, Faculty of Social Sciences
2020-2021 Board member in Gerontology Research Center
2015-2022 Board member in the Finnish Society for Growth and Ageing Research, A deputy member 2018-2022
2017-2020 Secretary and an accountant in the Nordic Gerontological Federation
2018-2020 Deputy member of the board in the GeroCenter Foundation
2014-2016 Membership secretary in the Finnish Society for Growth and Ageing Research
Peer reviewed publications
Nosraty L, Nevalainen J, Raitanen J, Enroth L. 2024. Tree-based analysis of longevity predictors and their ten-year changes: a 35-Year mortality follow-up. BMC Geriatrics 24, 817.
Enroth L, Halonen P, Tiainen K, Raitanen J, Jylhä M. 2023. Cohort profile: The Vitality 90+ Study. A cohort study on health and living conditions of the oldest old in Tampere, Finland. BMJ open, 13(2).
Halonen P, Jämsen E, Enroth L, Jylhä M. 2023. Agreement between self-reported information and health register data on chronic diseases in the oldest old. Clinical Epidemiology 785-794.
Vargese S, Jylhä M, Raitanen J, Enroth L, Halonen P, Aaltonen M. 2023. Dementia-related disability in the population aged 90 years and over: Differences over time and the role of comorbidity in the Vitality 90+ Study. BMC Geriatrics 23(1), 276.
Halonen P, Enroth L, Tiainen K, Jylhä M 2022. Dementia and related comorbidities in the population aged 90 and over in the Vitality 90+ Study, Finland: patterns and trends from 2001 to 2018. Journal of Aging and Health.
Enroth L, Jasilionis D, Németh L, Strand BH, Tanjung I, Sundberg L, Fors S, Jylhä M & Brønnum-Hansen H. Changes in socioeconomic differentials in old age life expectancy in four Nordic countries – The impact of educational expansion and education-specific mortality. European Journal of Ageing, 19, 161–173.
Enroth L, Fors S 2021. Trends in the social class inequalities in disability and self-rated health: Repeated cross-sectional surveys from Finland and Sweden 2001-2018. International Journal of Public Health, 66:645513.
Kananen L, Enroth L, Raitanen J, Jylhävä J, Bürkle A, Moreno Villanueva M, Bernhardt J, Toussaint O, Grubeck Loebenstein B, Malavolta M, Basso A, Piacenza F, Collino S, Gonos E.S, Sikora E, Gradinaru D, Jansen E.H.J.M, Dollé M.E.T, Salmon M, Stuetz W, Weber D, Grune T, Breusing N, Simm A, Capri M, Franceschi C, Slagboom P.E, Talbot D.C.S, Libert C, Koskinen S, Bruunsgaard H, Hansen Å.M, Lund R, Hurme M, Jylhä M 2021. Self rated health in individuals with and without disease is associated with multiple biomarkers representing multiple biological domains. Scientific Reports 11, 6139.
Enroth L, Pulkki J 2021. Aistivaikeudet, arki ja toimintakyky 90 vuotta täyttäneillä. (Sensory difficulties, everyday life and functional ability among people aged 90+). Gerontologia, 35(2), 121-137.
Enroth L, Raitanen J, Halonen P, Tiainen K, Jylhä M 2021. Trends of Physical Functioning, Morbidity, and Disability-Free Life Expectancy Among the Oldest Old: Six Repeated Cross-Sectional Surveys Between 2001 and 2018 in the Vitality 90+ Study. The Journals of Gerontology; Series A, 76(7), 1227-1233.
Enroth L, Veenstra M, Aartsen M, Kjær AA, Juul Nilsson C & Fors S 2019. Are there educational disparities in health among the oldest old? Evidence from the Nordic countries. European Journal of Ageing, 16, 415-424.
Hoogendijk EO, van der Noordt M, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD, Deeg DJH, Huisman M, Enroth L & Jylhä M 2019. Sex differences in healthy life expectancy among nonagenarians: A multistate survival model using data from the Vitality 90+ study. Experimental Gerontology, 116, 80-85.
Halonen P, Raitanen J, Enroth L, Jämsen E & Jylhä M 2019. Chronic conditions and multimorbidity in population aged 90 years and over: associations with mortality and long-term care admission. Age and Ageing, 48(4), 564-570.
Nosraty L, Pulkki J, Raitanen J, Enroth L & Jylhä M 2019. Successful Aging as a Predictor of Long-Term Care Among Oldest Old: The Vitality 90+ Study. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 38(4), 553-571.
Jylhä M, Enroth L, Halonen P (2019). Vanhoista vanhimpien terveys ja toimintakyky. Duodecim, 135 (11), 1085-1091.
Enroth L, Aaltonen M, Raitanen J, Nosraty L & Jylhä M 2018. Does use of long-term care differ between occupational classes among the oldest old? Vitality 90+ Study. European Journal of Ageing, 15(2), 143-153.
Jørgensen TSH, Fors S, Nilsson CJ, Enroth L, Aaltonen M, Sundberg L, Brønnum-Hansen H, Strand BH, Chang M ja Jylhä M. 2018. The ageing populations in the Nordic countries: mortality and longevity from 1990-2014. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 47(6), 611-617.
Kauppi M, Raitanen J, Stenholm S, Aaltonen M, Enroth L & Jylhä M 2018. Predictors of long-term care among nonagenarians: the Vitality 90 + Study with linked data of the care registers. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 30(8), 913-919.
Halonen P, Enroth L, Jylhä M, Tiainen K. 2017. Pitkäaikaissairaudet ja monisairastavuus hyvin vanhoilla sekä niiden yhteys toimintakykyyn ja itse arvioituun terveyteen-Tervaskannot 90+ -tutkimus. (Chronic conditions and multimorbidity - associations with functioning and self-rated health among nonagenarians: The Vitality 90+ Study). Gerontologia, 31(4), 269-281.
Enroth L, Raitanen J, Hervonen A, Lehtimäki T, Jylhävä J, Hurme M & Jylhä M 2016. Cardiometabolic and Inflammatory Biomarkers as Mediators between Educational Level and Functioning at the Age of 90 Years. The Journals of Gerontology; Series A, 71(3), 412–419.
Enroth L, Raitanen J, Hervonen A, Nosraty L & Jylhä M. 2015. Is Socioeconomic Status a Predictor of Mortality in Nonagenarians? The Vitality 90+ Study. Age and Ageing, 44, 123-129.
Nosraty L, Enroth L, Raitanen J, Hervonen A & Jylhä M. 2015. Do Successful Agers Live Longer? The Vitality 90+ Study. Journal of Aging and Health, 27(1), 35-53.
Enroth L, Raitanen J, Hervonen A & Jylhä M. 2013. Do Socioeconomic Health Differences Persist in Nonagenarians? The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 68(5), 837-847.
Jylhä M, Enroth L & Luukkaala T. 2013. Trends of functioning and health in nonagenarians − the Vitality 90+ Study. In Robine JM. Jagger C. & Crimmins E. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 33, ”Healthy Longevity”. Springer Publishing Company, 313-332.
Helminen S, Sarkeala T, Enroth L, Hervonen A & Jylhä M. 2012. Vanhoista vanhimpien terveys ja elämäntilanne – tuloksia vuoden 2010 Tervaskannot 90+ -tutkimuksesta. Gerontologia, 26(3), 162–171.
Enroth L. 2017. Doctoral thesis: Social inequality in the health of the oldest old: Socioeconomic differences in health, functioning, mortality and long-term care use in the population aged 90+. University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland. Tampere University Press. (Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis 1840).
Enroth L. 2011. Master’s thesis: Sosioekonomiset erot vanhoista vanhimpien terveydessä. Tampereen yliopisto.
Contact person of life story interviews

Anu Siren
- Professor
- gerontologia
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504750373
Amilon, A., Kjær, A.A., Ladenburg, J., Siren, A. (2022). Trust in the publicly financed care system and willingness to pay for long-term care: A discrete choice experiment in Denmark. Social Science and Medicine, 311: 115332.
Siren et al (2022) Negotiations of vulnerability in aging with vision impairment. Journal of Aging Studies, 61: 101036.
Siren, A. (2022). Boformer og den aldrende befolkning. In T.A. Andersen & J. R. Skaksen (Eds.): Et aldrende Danmark. Gyldendal, Copenhagen. Pp. 77-86.
Amilon, A. & Siren, A. (2022). The link between vision impairment and depressive symptomatology in late life: does having a partner matter? European Journal of Ageing,19: 521–532
Siren, A. (2021). Beyond accessibility: Transport system as a societal structure supporting inclusion in late life. In K. Walsh, T. Scharf, S. Van Regenmortel & A. Wanka (eds.): Social Exclusion in Later Life: Interdisciplinary and Policy Perspectives. International Perspectives on Aging, Volume 28. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51406-
Kjær, A.A. & Siren, A. (2021). Aging without children: The link between parental status and tangible support. Journal of Family Issues. doi: 10.1177/0192513X21993203
Filges, T., Siren, A., Fridberg, T. (2020). Voluntary work for the physical and mental health of older volunteers: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews. doi: 10.1002/cl2.1124.
Amilon, A. Ladenburg, J., Siren, A., Østergaard, S., (2020). Willingness to pay for long-term home care services: Evidence from a stated preferences analysis. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing.
Siren, A., Amilon, A., Larsen, G. K., Mehlsen, L. (2019). The promise of assistive technology in institutionalized care: economic efficiency, improved working conditions, and better quality of care? Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. Publication before print. doi: 10.1080/17483107.2019.1659862
Kjær, A.A. & Siren, A. (2019). Formal and informal care: exploring trajectories of home care use among Danish older adults. Ageing and Society. Publication before print. doi:10.1017/S0144686X19000771.
Kjær, A. A., Siren, A., Seested, M. H., Fridberg, T. & Casier, F. (2019). Cohort profile: The Danish Longitudinal Study of Ageing (DLSA). International Journal of Epidemiology, 48: 1050-1050g. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyz026
Siren, A. & Casier, F. (2019). Socioeconomic and lifestyle determinants of giving practical support to adult children in the era of changing late life. Ageing and Society, 39(9): 1933-1950. doi:10.1017/S0144686X18000338
Siren, A. & Knudsen, S. G. (2017) Older adults and the emerging digital service delivery. A mixed methods study on ICT use, skills and attitudes. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 29(1): 35-50. doi: 10.1080/08959420.2016.1187036
Siren, A. & Haustein, S. (2016). How do baby boomers' mobility patterns change with retirement? Ageing and Society, 36: 988-1007. doi:10.1017/S0144686X15000100
Siren, A. & Haustein, S. (2016) Driving Cessation Anno 2010: Which older drivers give up their license and why? Evidence from Denmark. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 35(1): 18-38. doi:
Haustein, S. & Siren, A. (2015). Older people’s mobility: segments, factors, trends. Transport Reviews: A Transnational Transdisciplinary Journal, 35 (4): 466-487. doi: 10.1080/01441647.2015.1017867
Siren, A., Hjorthol, R., & Levin, L. (2015). Different types of out-of-home activities and well-being amongst urban residing old persons with mobility impediments. Journal of Transport & Health, 2: 14-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jth.2014.11.004
Siren, A. & Haustein, S. (2015) Driving licences and medical screening in old age. Review of literature and the European licensing policies. Journal of Transport & Health, 2: 68-78. doi:10.1016/j.jth.2014.09.003
Siren, A. & Haustein, S. (2015). What are the impacts of giving up the driver license? Ageing and Society, 35(9): 1821 – 1838. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X14000610
Siren, A. & Sørensen, C. H. (2015). Immense changes in traffic—considerable stability in discourses. Road speed in Danish parliamentary documents 1900-2010. Transport Policy, 40: 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2015.02.005
Meng, A. & Siren, A. (2015). Older drivers’ reasons for reducing the overall amount of their driving and for avoiding selected driving situations. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 34(3): NP62–NP82. doi: 10.1177/0733464812463433
Haustein, S. & Siren, A. (2014). Seniors' unmet mobility needs - how important is a driving licence? Journal of Transport Geography, 41:45-51.
Figueroa, M., Nielsen T.S., & Siren, A. (2014). Comparing Urban Form Correlations of the Travel Patterns of Older and Younger Adults. Transport Policy, 35, 10-20.
Siren, A. & Haustein, S. (2013). Baby boomers' mobility patterns and preferences: What are the implications for future transport demand? Transport Policy, 29: 136-144.
Siren, A. & Meng, A. (2013). Older drivers' self-assessed driving skills, driving-related stress and self-regulation in traffic. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 17: 88-97.
Meng, A., Siren, A. & Teasdale, T. (2013). Older drivers with cognitive impairment: perceived changes in driving skills, driving-related discomfort and self-regulation of driving. European Geriatric Medicine, 3: 154-160.
Meng, A. & Siren, A. (2012). Cognitive problems, self-rated changes in driving skills, driving-related discomfort and self-regulation of driving in old drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 49: 322-329.
Siren, A. & Meng, A. (2012). Cognitive screening of older drivers does not produce safety benefits. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 45: 634-638.
Siren, A. & Kjær, M. R. (2011). How is the older road users’ perception of risk constructed? Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 14(3): 222-228.
Hjorthol, R., Levin, L. & Siren, A. (2010). Mobility in different generations of older persons. The development of daily travel in different cohorts in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Journal of Transport Geography, 18: 624-633.
Siren, A. & Hakamies-Blomqvist, L. (2009). Mobility and well-being in old age. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 25(1): 3-11.
Siren, A. & Hakamies-Blomqvist, L. (2006). Does gendered driving create gendered mobility? Community-related mobility of Finnish women and men aged 65+. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 9(5): 374-382.
Siren, A. & Hakamies-Blomqvist, L. (2005). Sense and Sensibility. A Narrative Study of Older Women’s Car Driving. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 8(3): 213-228.
Siren, A., & Hakamies-Blomqvist, L. (2004). Car as the grand equaliser? Demographic factors and mobility in Finnish men and women aged 65+. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 7(2): 107-118.
Siren, A., Hakamies-Blomqvist, L., & Lindeman, M. (2004). Driving cessation and health in older women. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 23(1): 58-69.
Hakamies-Blomqvist, L. & Siren, A. (2003). Deconstructing a Gender Difference: Driving Cessation and Personal Driving History of Older Women. Journal of Safety Research, 34(4):383-388.
Contact person of health examination
Juulia Jylhävä
- Senior Research Fellow
- Senior Research Fellow | Tampere Institute for Advanced Study Yliopistotutkija | Tutkijakollegium
- Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology
- Tampere University
- +358504784181
About me
I am the group leader of the Systems Biology of Aging research group at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University. My research group studies biological aging — how to measure it, what drives it, and how it’s linked to adverse outcomes, such as age-related diseases and mortality. We use genetic, multiomics and AI approaches and causal inference methods to unravel why some people age in good health while others become frail and dependent on assistance earlier in life. Another aim and ongoing project in our group is to develop an electronic frailty index for healthcare – a tool to measure whole-organism aging and identify vulnerable individuals at early stages.
Project members
Pauliina Halonen
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504377338
Jani Raitanen
- Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358401901686

Marja Jylhä
- Emerita Professor
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358405889100
About me
I am a Professor of Gerontology at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Health Sciences at Tampere Unversity anda team leader in the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care, funded by the Academy of Finland. My group is part of Gerontology Research Center (GEREC)
Field of expertise
longevity, health, functioning and quality of life of older populations, self-rated health, old age services, the ageing sociey
Research unit
Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and the Centre of Excellence in Research of Ageing and Care
AXA Research Fund´Scientific Board, member 2021-
Human Rights Delegation, member 2020-
21 (perhaps) most important publications
1. Kananen, L, Enroth, L, Raitanen, J, Jylhava, J, Buerkle, A, Moreno-Villanueva, M, Bernhardt, J, Toussaint, O, Grubeck-Loebenstein, B, Malavolta, M, Basso, A, Piacenza, F, Collino, S, Gonos, E, S, Sikora, E, Gradinaru, D, Jansen, E. H. J. M, Dolle, M. E. T, Salmon, M, Stuetz, W, Weber, D, Grune, T, Breusing, N, Simm, A, Capri, M, Franceschi, C, Slagboom, P. E, Talbot, D. C. S, Libert, C, Koskinen, S, Bruunsgaard, H, Hansen, AM, Lund, R, Hurme, M, Jylhä, M. Self-rated health in individuals with and without disease is associated with multiple biomarkers representing multiple biological domains. Scientific Reports 11, 6139, 2021. DOI: /10.1038/s41598-021-85668-7.
2. Enroth L, Raitanen J, Halonen P, Tiainen K, Jylhä M. Trends of Physical Functioning, Morbidity and Disability-free Life Expectancy among the Oldest Old: Six Repeated Cross-sectional Surveys between 2001 and 2018 in the Vitality 90+ Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci: 76(7): 1227-33, 2021 glaa144, 2020. DOI:10.1093/gerona/glaa144.
3. Lisko, I, Törmäkangas, T, Jylhä, M. Structure of self-rated health among the oldest old: Analyses in the total population and those living with dementia. SSM Popul Health. 2020 Mar 18; 11:100567. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2020.100567. PMID: 32258355; PMCID: PMC7110410.
4. Raitanen J, Stenholm S, Tiainen K, Jylhä M, Nevalainen J. Longitudinal change in physical functioning and dropout due to death among the oldest old: a comparison of three methods of analysis. European Journal of Ageing 17 (2): 207-216, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-019-00533-x.
5. Jylhä M. New ages of life – emergence of the oldest-old. Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology: 479- 488, 2020. Ed. S. Rattan. Elsevier 2020. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.11395-9.
6. Halonen P, Raitanen J, Jämsen E, Enroth L, Jylhä M: Chronic conditions and multimorbidity in population aged 90 years and over: associations with mortality and long-term care. Age & Ageing 48 (4): 564-570, 2019. DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afz019.
7. Aaltonen M, Forma L, Pulkki J, Raitanen J, Rissanen P, Jylhä M. The joint impact of age at death and dementia on long-term care use in the last years of life - changes from 1996 to 2013 in Finland. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 5, 2019. DOI: 10.1177/2333721419870629.
8. Hoogendijk, EO, van der Noordt M, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD, Deeg DJ.H, Huisman M, Enroth L, Jylhä M. Sex differences in healthy life expectancy among nonagenarians: A multistate survival model using data from Vitality 90+ study. Experimental Gerontology 116: 80-85, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.exger.2018.12.015. Epub 2018 Dec 24. PMID: 30590122.
9. Joshi PK, Pirastu N, Kentistou KA, Fischer K, Hofer E; Jylhä M; Wilson J.F. Genome-wide meta-analysis associates HLA-DQA1/DRB1 and LPA and lifestyle factors with human longevity. Nat Commun. 8(1):910, 2017 Oct. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00934-5. PMID: 29030599 Free PMC Article.
10. Nosraty L, Jylhä M, Raittila T, Lumme-Sandt K. Perceptions by the oldest old of successful aging, Vitality 90+ Study. J Aging Stud. 32:50-8, 2015 Jan. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaging.2015.01.002. (Epub 2015 Jan 23). PubMed PMID: 25661856.
11. Enroth L, Raitanen J, Hervonen A, Nostraty L, Jylha M. Is socioeconomic status a predictor of mortality in nonagenarians? The Vitality 90+ study. Age and Ageing 44(1):123-9, 2014. DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afu092.
12. Galenkamp H, Deeg DJH, Huisman M, Hervonen A, Braam AW, Jylhä M. Is self-rated health still sensitive for changes in disease and functioning among nonagenarians? J Gerontol Psych Sci Soc Sci 68(5):848-858. 2013. DOI: 10.1093/geronh/gbt067.
13. Tiainen K, Luukkaala T, Hervonen A, Jylhä M. Predictors of mortality in men and women aged 90 years and older: nine-year follow-up. Age & Ageing 42:468-475, 2013. DOI: 10.1093/ageing/aft030t.
14. Jylhä M. What is self-rated health and why does it predict mortality? Towards a unified conceptual model. Soc Sci Med 69(3):307-316, 2009 (Epub 10 June 2009).
15. Jylhä M, Volpato S, Guralnik JM: Self-rated health showed a graded association with frequently used biomarkers in a large population sample. J Clin Epidemiol 59 (5): 465-471, 2006.
16. Jylha M. Old age and loneliness: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses in the Tampere Longitudinal Study on Aging. Can J Aging. 23(2):157-68, 2004.
17. Jylhä M, Guralnik JM, Balfour J, Fried LF: Walking difficulty, walking speed, and age as determinants of self-rated health, the Women´s Health and Aging Study. J Gerontol A_Biol 56A (10):M609-M617, 2001.
18. Jylhä M, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L; Jokela J, Heikkinen E.: Is self-rated health comparable across genders and cultures? J Gerontol: Soc Sci 53B (3): S144 - S152, 1998.
19. Jylhä M: Self rated health revisited: exploring survey interview episodes with elderly respondents. Soc Sci Med 39(7):983-990, 1994.
20. Jylhä M. Vanheneminen, toiminta ja vuorovaikutus. Kirjassa: Vanheneminen ja elämänkulku, s. 106-134. Toim. P Pohjolainen, M Jylhä. Weilin & Göös, Mänttä, 1990. (Ageing, activity and interaction)
21. Jylhä M, Jokela J: Individual experiences as cultural - a cross cultural study on loneliness among the elderly. Ageing and Society 10:295-315, 1990.
Kirsi Lumme-Sandt
- University Lecturer
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358401901606

Katariina Tuominen
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504377524
About me
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, PhD, Gerontology
In my research I am interested in questions related to ageing well, social relationships and interaction and longevity.
In my dissertation, completed in 2023, I studied the meaning of various everyday spaces and places for social relationships and interactions in old age. My research utilised qualitative interviews from the Aging and Social Well-being (SoWell) and Vitality 90+ projects at Tampere University.
Currently, I am studying themes related to longevity and its societal impacts and coordinating the multidisciplinary Century-Long Lives (CLL) profiling area.
I am studying the family relationships of the oldest old using life story interview data collected in the Vitality 90+ project.
I belong to the following multidisciplinary aging research networks: the Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and the Center of Excellence in Research on Aging and Care (CoE AgeCare).
Field of expertise
Qualitative research, interviews, focus group discussions, participant observation
Research topics
Ageing, older persons, the oldest old, social relationships, social interaction, home, service housing, spaces and places
Tuominen, Katariina (2023). Making Space for Social Relationships: Understanding ageing in social spaces. [Väitöskirja, Tampereen yliopisto]. Trepo Tampereen yliopiston julkaisuarkisto.
Tuominen, K., Pirhonen, J., Lumme-Sandt, K., Ahosola, P. & Pietilä, I. (2023). No place to go? Older people reconsidering the meaning of social spaces in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Aging Studies, 67, Article 101167.
Tuominen, K., Pietilä, I., Jylhä, M. & Pirhonen, J. (2022). A home, an institution and a community? – Frames of social relationships and interaction in assisted living. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 16(1), 49–73.
Tuominen, K. & Pirhonen J. (2019). “Who would take a 90-year-old?” Community-dwelling nonagenarians’ perceptions of social relationships. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 2019 13(1): 111-137.doi: 10.3384/ijal.1652-8670.18387
Ahosola, P., Tuominen, K., Tiainen, K., Jylhä, M., & Jolanki, O. (2021). Mikä muuttui vai muuttuiko mikään? Yli 65-vuotiaiden arki korona-aikana. Gerontologia, 35(4), 342–355.
Pirhonen, J., Seppänen, M., Pietilä, I., Tuominen, K., & Jylhä, M. (2021). Vanhuus ja sosiaalinen kuolema : Sosiaalisen kuoleman käsite vanhojen ihmisten haastattelupuheessa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 86(1), 5-15. Retrieved from
Pirhonen, J., Lolich, L., Tuominen, K., Jolanki, O., & Timonen, V. (2020). “These devices have not been made for older people's needs” – older adults' perceptions of digital technologies in Finland and Ireland. Technology in Society, 62, 101287. doi:
Pirhonen, J., Jolanki, O., Tuominen, K. & Jylhä, M. (2019). Hyvinvointi vanhuudessa – valmistautumista, sopeutumista, luopumista ja hyväksymistä. Gerontologia, 33(3), 105-120.
Laura Kananen
- Senior Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358503186296
Terhi Lampio
- Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University
Maija Satamo
- Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Tampere University