Temporary urbanism: stories of abandonment & re-appropriation

This lecture is part of the series Death and Life of Architecture, an event organized by A131 Architecture Society from the Strathclyde School of Architecture, Glasgow.

Temporary Urbanism: Stories of abandonment and re-appropriation.


Online: Sign-up here to receive link
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Time: 19:30 (UTC+2)

In this discussion, along with Dalia Milián Bernal we will delve into the fascinating life-stories of three modernist social housing estates in Latin America, starting from their conceptualization and construction, navigating through their state of neglect and partial abandonment, culminating in their re-appropriation and creation of collective urban spaces. Through these stories, we will evidence the complex and contrasting social processes that produce and are manifested in urban space.

Join us, we promise you an exciting and energetic talk on Wednesday the 11th!

Learn more about the lecture series here.

Learn more about A131.

Documenting our event.