"Photomontage as Geopolitical Form", Public Lecture by Dr Alan Ingram, 21 September 2017

Dr Alan Ingram from the UCL Department of Geography will give a lecture entitled “Photomontage as Geopolitical Form” at the Faculty of Management (University of Tampere) on Thursday, 21 September 2017 at 10-12 (lecture hall Pinni A3107).

The talk will be based on Dr. Ingram’s forthcoming book Evental Geopolitics: Rethinking the Iraq War through Art (Wiley RGS-IBG Book Series).

Dr Alan Ingram is Senior Lecturer in political geography at the University College London. His research has dealt with three overlapping areas of interest: geopolitics, biopolitics and aesthetics. He has gained his PhD from University of Cambridge and has published widely on aforementioned topics in journals such as Review of International Political Economy, Political Geography, Europe-Asia Studies, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, International Relations and Geopolitics. For a list of publications, please, see:

All students, members of the staff and general public are warmly welcome to attend the lecture!

Coffee will be served at 9:45 in front of the lecture hall PinniA3107. Please, fill in the form below to register for coffee by Monday 18 September 2017.


The public lecture is organized by the Faculty of Management’s Degree Programme of Politics and the research project “Spaces of Justice Across the East-West Divide” (Kone Foundation). For more information, please, contact anni.kangas@staff.uta.fi.

During his visit to the Faculty of Management, Dr Ingram also acts as the opponent of Jaakko Ailio’s doctoral thesis Theory of Biopolitics and the Global Response to HIV/AIDS. The public defence takes place on Friday, 22 September at 12:00 in lecture hall Pinni B1096.


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