No Man Is An Island – We Are Interconnected, 3 June-3 July 2017

Marja-Liisa Torniainen with the inhabitants of the Tampere Reception Centre: No Man Is An Island – We Are Interconnected, 3 June – 3 July 2017
Nykyaika Gallery, Kauppakatu 14, Tampere, Finland

The inhabitants of the Tampere Reception Centre are modeling in the photographs of Marja-Liisa Torniainen. In these works, children play the most important role.

No man is an island makes a statement for families. On a TV monitor, pictures of the asylum seekers themselves are displayed.

The idea of mankind and nature as one organic whole is the message of the text of John Donne: if we are mishandling nature or our neighbours, we are mishandling ourselves at the same time. Connections between human beings create a living network. These connections come alive when we are looking at persons in artworks — even those are from what era.

Marja-Liisa Torniainen’s photography exhibition is a cooperation between the artist and the inhabitants of the Kauppi Reception Centre. It is part of the research project Tiede, taide ja sosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuus – Making Spaces of Justice across East-West Divide funded by the Kone Foundation.

Marja-Liisa Torniainen (s. 1953) lives and works in The Artist House of Tampere. She is visual artist; photographer, painter and – independent writer.  She has studied, for example, in the Lahti Art Institute and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK). She is a member of the Photographic Artists’ Association and the Finnish Painters’ Union, Photographic Centre Nykyaika and the Tampere Artists’ Association as well as the General Union of Journalists in Finland.

Sideline Programme:

Sunday 11.6.
12.30 Short presentation of the exhibition
Participants: researcher Anna-Kaisa Kuusisto-Arponen (University of Tampere), deputy Tommi Helevirta (Tampere Reception Centre),  Asmahan Kazem and Ali Ghazi Al-Saaidi (Tampere Reception Centre),  Noora Tapio (Tampere City Council), Raman Hussain (Tampere Artists’ Association)
Moderators: artists Anne Lehtelä and Marja-Liisa Torniainen (in Finnish and in English)

Voice Workshop with and basing on the text of John Donne: No Man Is An Island. Working days agreed together with the participants. The work of voice is coming to a circle around the exhibition.  You can register for the workshop by e-mail:



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