The research group of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí Mexico wanted that, beyond having the academic-administrative elements and the necessary logistics to carry out activities in a fluid and organized way, it could be achieved that international scientific-academic links could be established that allow institutional collaboration between various universities both in the country and abroad.
The need was met to carry out in the months prior to the visit of the collaborating teams, multiple coordinated work meetings between members of the research team, where everything related to academic scientific activities and logistics related to this 1 ra was planned and organized.
This 1st. Transnational Meeting of SmartNurse project was implemented in Mexico, May 2022. At the beginning of the meeting period from May 23 to 27, the inauguration of the event was held in which various university personalities and project coordinators of each of the participating Universities participated, among them: the RN, M.Sc Annuka Huuskonen, Coordinator of the International Project from the University of Applied Sciences of Tampere Finland, the MD. Federico Arturo Garza Herrera, general secretary of the UASLP, MI. Jorge Alberto Pérez González, Academic Secretary of the UASLP, Dr. Amaury de Jesús Pozos Guillen Secretary of Research and Postgraduate studies of the UASLP, as well as the director of the Faculty of Nursing and Nutrition MCE. Luis Antonio Martínez Gurrión, in addition to the coordinators of the universities of the Consortium: Marija Milavec Kapun, Lic.Melissa Alejandra Calderón Cruz, Dr. Carlos Argelio Arévalo Mercado,Lic. José Ismael López Pérez,
Lic. Maria Alicia Vigil de Hernandez, for the host University, Dr. Claudia Elena González Acevedo and Dr. Aracely Díaz Oviedo, who gave the start to these scientific-academic tasks in the entity.
The development of the academic and research activities carried out were to disseminate the project and activities to evaluate the progress of each of the stages of the project without neglecting the virtual and face-to-face training required by each of them, which undoubtedly provided innovative elements for the construction of the Method
ology Smarnurse.
As a cultural ctivit y, the U aSLP Folkloric Ballet participated in addition to the collaboration of the Secretary of Tourism of the State of San Luis Potosí, who contributed with the present ation of the traditional rebozo of the Municipality of Santa María del Río, an event enlivened with the presentation of a musical group, an activity that strengthened academic ties and collaboration.
Finally, it must be recognized that regardless of scientific and cultural academic activities, the host institution is internationally consolidated as an institution at the height of the best universities in the country and the world.
Research Team: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí.