

ProDigial is an eight-year research program (October 2020–November 2028) that promotes a digital and productivity leap in the infrastructure sector. The program analyzes the factors affecting the productivity and develops tools to improve productivity and digitalization. The key part of the research program are concrete infrastructure development projects, where new methods and tools are tested in planning, construction, maintenance and asset management. Life cycle thinking is strongly present in the research program. Productivity and the utilization of digitalization are examined from the point of view of the entire life cycle.


The goal of the ProDigial research program is to improve the productivity of the infrastructure sector by utilizing digitization.

The research program is divided into six research entities:

  1. Lifecycle information
  2. Situation awareness
  3. BIM in the life cycle
  4. Acquisition
  5. Change in operating culture
  6. Productivity in the infrastructure sector


In the research program, extensive literature studies are carried out in different phases. Empirical data collection and analysis are mainly done using qualitative methods: case studies, expert interviews, workshops and observation. ProDigial also conducts benchmarking of the best practices in its own field as well as other fields in Finland and internationally. In addition, statistical analyzes and other quantitative analyzes are carried out.


The result of the research program is concrete tools and methods to improve and measure the productivity of the infrastructure sector throughout its life cycle by utilizing digitalization. One of the results is to have a permanent change in the operating culture of the infrastructure sector.


Research results are reported visually at a high level and appropriately for different uses. All reports are published on the ProDigial website, so the results are easily usable by everyone. The research program produces scientific articles for international research journals. ProDigial has a total of more than 10 doctoral researchers from different faculties and research units of the University of Tampere.


Research results are applied in practice not only in concrete projects, but also by organizing seminars and educations, where concrete solutions and practices are implemented in action. In addition, ProDigial’s results are presented at domestic and international conferences.


The ProDigial research program is carried out in extensive co-operation between the Finnish Transport Agency, Finnish cities, more than 20 companies and the University of Tampere. During the research program, extensive co-operation is carried out with all organizations operating in the infrastructure sector, which solve the same problems. These include e.g. Ministry of the Environment, KIRA Forum, Rakennustietomalli Oy, Rakennustietosäätiö, buildingSMART Finland, Association of Finnish Municipalities, GeoForum Finland, The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries, Aalto University, University of Oulu and international partners.