Post-Visual Security
The post-visual security project investigates the more-than-visual qualities of digital images, and shows through empirical studies how digital images in contemporary security practice do much more than show things.
The Post-Visual Security Puzzle
Are we misunderstanding the security relevance of networked digital images if we only study what they show instead of what they are, and what they do in security practice? The project develops the theoretical innovation ‘post-visual security’ to understand the security practices digital images enable. This concept integrates an understanding of digital images as post-visual with an understanding of security practice built on the more-than-visual qualities of digital images – for example their standardization and metadata. The project uses this concept to provide new empirical knowledge about the role of post-visuality in security and conflict, and to develop tools and methods that use the more-than-visual qualities of digital images to open up new ways of studying security politics and practice.