

Common Bracken and its Multispecies Assemblages published in: Adelina, C., Andriessen, L., Ashepet, M., Brinkman, I., Carlile, E., Carvalho, G., De Musso, F., Devos, E., Dierckx, S., Dowse, N., Edae-Tufa, M., Guglielmo, A., Kavedžija, I., Rainho, R., Soberon, L., Stroeken, K., Thompson, A., Turk Niskač, B., Van Bockhaven, V., & Wachira, J. (2024). More-than-human Freedom Zine Conference 2024. More-than-human Freedom Zine Conference 2024, Online.

Conference and seminar presentations

A patch of land: Re-considering work as a life-sustaining practice in the post-socialist semi-periphery through intergenerational childhood memories. ECEPP Seminar, September 2022, Tampere, Finland.

Work as a life-sustaining practice: A case study of Bela Krajina, Slovenia. Biodiverse Anthropocene Programme, 24 January 2023, University of Oulu, Finland.

Children’s participation in work and more-than-human sociality within domestic agricultural economy. Children & Work Network Seminar, 22 February 2023, online.

Sustaining life through human and more-than-human work: The case of litter-raking forests in Bela Krajina, Slovenia. Finnish Anthropological Society’s conference, 21 – 23 March 2023, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Children´s everyday lives: Photography as a research method. ECEPP seminar, 21 April, 2023, Tampere, Finland.

Horses: Working Companions. Interspecies perspectives on decent work, Inequalities and new solidarities in work between people & equids (part of The Sociological Review Seminar Series 2023), 24 May 2023, online seminar.

Narratives of Children´s Entanglements with Cows and Oxen. (Un)Common Worlds III – Navigating and Inhabiting Biodiverse Anthropocene, 4 – 6 October 2023, Oulu, Finland.

Children’s self-management and children´s agency revisited. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), 30 November – 3 December 2023, Philadelphia, USA

Research presentation at the Anthropology of Childhood Interest Group Seminar, 12 December 2023. Tampere University, Finland.

Children, Cows and Common Bracken at Work. Presentation at the ecologies of Labour Seminar, 29 February 2024, online.

Children´s participation in more-than-human communities of practice. 10th Conference on Childhood Studies, 15 – 17 May 2024, Helsinki, Finland.

Common bracken: Multispecies relationality in cultural landscape. World Congress of environmental history (WCEH), 19 – 23 August 2024, Oulu, Finland.

Exploring Multispecies Assemblages Through Walking Ethnography in Abandoned Landscape. Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge: Perspectives, Practices, and Power, World Anthropological Union Congress, 11 – 15 November 2024, Johannesburg, South Africa.

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