In English

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The MOVEdigi Pirkanmaa project produces information on the service needs of clients and the effectiveness of services. The project will develop and document a model for individual and group work to meet vulnerable clients in a networked and digitally enabled way.

The models will be piloted in the Kangasala area, but the project aims to create material for use elsewhere in Pirkanmaa. The project will coordinate a multi-stakeholder networked development process through workshops and digital platform work.

The aim is to create a working method and electronic tools suitable for networked development to support regional development.

The project is a joint project between Tampere University of Applied Sciences, ViaDia Pirkanmaa ry and Suomen teologinen opisto.

Individual work and group activities will be piloted and developed throughout the project at the client interface, making development client-oriented and responding to the changing needs of clients in service provision outside municipal centres.

The project will result in measurable data on the effectiveness of interventions, a model for individual and group work with materials, and a model for the use of digital solutions in client work on a digital platform open to all. The project will strengthen clients’ digital accessibility and provide support through guidance and pedagogical methods.