What: Learn about biodiversity offsetting, tabletop games and game design and take part in an interdisciplinary research project. There will be lectures on biodiversity offsetting, games and game design. We will test play several tabletop games in small groups and in the end, each small group will design their own pilot game!
Who: Master students at the University of Tampere interested in gamification, game design, environmental policy, nature conservation:
• in the School of management
• in Information studies and Interactive media (ITI) and in Internet and Game Studies (IGS)
• International master’s level students and other interested master’s level students
No need for previous knowledge on game design or biodiversity offsetting, no programming skills needed. Creativity, open mind and interest in interdisciplinarity needed!
When: II period 24.10.-12.12.
• Wed 10.15-11.45 (2 hours)
• Fri 12.15-16.30 (4 hours)
+ Game jam Saturday Dec 8 off-campus: 9-16.30
• Registration in starting from August
Where: School of Management, University of Tampere (rooms TBC)
Teachers: Nina V. Nygren ( & Lucas Brunet + visiting lecturers
• HALYAS14 (Vaihtuvasisältöiset erikoiskurssit)
• ITIA11 Aineopintojen muu valinnainen opintojakso (1)
• ITIS45 Current Approaches in Games and Internet Research (1)
Research project: and Twitter @GameOffsetting
(1) Please contact Olli Sotamaa (@ for inquiries regarding these degree programs!