
Presentation recordings

Project publications

Haapio, Helena, Nina Toivonen & Anne Ketola (2024). From gibberish to clarity: Combining plain language and legal design for better communication and greater impact. The Clarity Journal (Special Issue on Legal Design, edited by Helena Haapio, Nina Toivonen & Anne Ketola) 89, 6–10.

Haapio, Helena & Anne Ketola (2024). Yritysvastuu ja sopimukset – Kieliteoista käytäntöön [Corporate sustainability and contracts: from speech acts to practice]. Kielikello 14.3.2024.


Other publications by the research group members

Henry, Laura, Soili Nysten-Haarala, Svetlana Tulaeva & Maria Tysiachniouk (2016): Corporate Social Responsibility and the Oil Industry in the Russian Arctic: Global Norms and Neo-Paternalism. In: Europe Asia Studies 68:8 (2016), 1340–1386.

Hurmerinta-Haanpää, Anna (2021): The many functions of contracts – how companies use contracts in interorganizational exchange relations. Turku: University of Turku.

Hurmerinta-Haanpää, Anna & Jouko Nuottila (forthcoming): The proactive contracting approach: The first 25 years and beyond. In: Antoine Masson, Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas, W. Gregory Voss &  Jean-Michel do Carmo Silva (eds.): Handbook on Law & Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ketola, Anne, Eliisa Pitkäsalo & Robert de Rooy (2023): Contracts via comics: Migrant workers and Thai fishing vessel employment contracts. In: Ralf Kauranen, Olli Löytty, Aura Nikkilä & Anna Vuorinne (eds.): Comics and Migration: Representation and Other Practices. New York: Routledge.

Liappis, Hanna, Merja Pentikäinen & Anne Vanhala (2019): Menesty yritysvastuulla – käsikirja kokonaisuuteen (”Success with Corporate Sustainability – a Handbook” (available in Finnish)). Edita.

Nuottila, Jouko, Osmo Kauppila & Soili Nysten-Haarala (2016): Proactive Contracting. Emerging changes in attitudes towards project contracts and lawyers’ contribution (September 28, 2016). In: Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation 2:1–2 (2016), 150–165.

Nysten-Haarala, Soili (2017): Ennakoivan sopimisen tutkimusmenetelmät (“Research methods of Proactive Contracting” (available in Finnish)). In: Lakimies 7–8/2017, 889–908.

Pentikäinen, Merja (2009): Yritystoiminta ja ihmisoikeudet (“Business and Human Rights” (available in Finnish)). Publications of the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, the Erik Castrén Research Reports 26/2009. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.

Pentikäinen, Merja (2018): Yritys menestyy arvostamalla ihmisiä – ihmisoikeudet yritysvastuu ytimessä (”An Enterprise Succeeds by  Respecting People – Human rights at the core of corporate sustainability” (available in Finnish)). E-publication, produced with the support of Kone Foundation.

Pitkäsalo, Eliisa, Anne Ketola, Vaula Haavisto & Laura Kalliomaa-Puha (2022). Image analysis as a visualization tool – Translating contracts into comics. In: Marcelo Corrales, Helena Haapio & Mark Fenwick (eds.): Research Handbook on Contract Design. Edward Elgar Publishing, 347–364.

Pitkäsalo, Eliisa & Anne Ketola (2022): Comic-style documents and information design. The Clarity Journal 83 (2022).

Saloranta, Juho & Anna Hurmerinta-Haanpää (2023): Proactive Contract Theory in the Context of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (April 17, 2023). In: Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation 6:3–4 (2022), 221–236.