
Here you will find the publications developed throughout the ISEDA project and on its activities.

Scoping of the ecosystems of pilot sites and follower territories

This working paper presents the information related to the report of results on the Scoping of the pilot sites’ and follower territories’ ecosystems. In this task (T1.1), local partners collected the following site-specific data through desk research: DV stakeholders and support services available in a multi-agency ecosystem (police and justice system, counselling centres, legal support, hotlines, shelters, etc.); existing awareness campaigns, educational programmes on GBV and DV, programmes for perpetrators, police training on DV, legal and policy framework (evidence gathering) in relation to ISEDA solutions.

ISEDA Brochure in various languages

Here you will find the communication materials in various languages for the ISEDA project.

Awareness Raising Campaign Material

Brochure (in Finnish)
Poster (in Finnish)