Welcome to the site!

Two researchers at a construction site

Site notes is a collection of blurbs describing the work done in the GLO-LO project. In the site notes, you will get a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes of construction, research, and other interesting sites we operate on.  We will start with the most exciting site, the construction site.  

As the project deals with language practices in construction work, we first had to familiarize ourselves with the nature of such work. That started by participating in occupational safety training (työturvallisuuskortti) and getting the right gear to enter work sites (see the cool fashion in the pic). The next step was to observe what a construction site is all about and how the construction workers learn the ropes of their work. Thus, we headed out to collect our first set of data at a site where future construction workers were trained. That was very enlightening, and we even got our hands dirty, as the teacher let us try some of the easiest tasks. Not as easy as it looks! 

After our short but effective vocational training, we were ready to enter actual work sites to collect more data. When we talk about data, we mean video recordings, in this case recordings of people at work. By getting things videoed, we are able to analyze what they say, what they do together, how they use their tools and materials, and how their bodies move in space. And talking about space; the ever-evolving material configuration of the work sites has been fascinating to observe. One day the camera lens captures the workers in all their orange-and-yellow glory, and the next day there is a wall to block the view. When that happens, one just must think of another point of view – as researchers often have to do.  

We are now in the middle of collecting data at a big and exciting work site. Stay tuned for the updates from different sites and sides of our work! 

Teksti: Hanna-Ilona Härmävaara
Kuva: Niina Lilja