The project was presented in the FERA Conference on Education

The project-related research was presented in the 39th FERA Conference on Education (Kansalliset kasvatustieteen päivät) held on 15-16 November 2018. The conference was organised by the Finnish Educational Research Association in cooperation with the University of Tampere, Faculty of Education. The theme of the conference was Virtue, Truth and Beauty in Education as the timeless intrinsic values of education. The two-day conference gathered 700 participants from Finland and abroad in 39 sessions and 12 symposiums.

Pauliina Alenius and Vesna Holubek, representing the project team, held a presentation within a thematic session named Research on Higher Education and Students in Higher Education. Alenius and Holubek presented the results of the research conducted as the first phase of the eTraining FinPal project. The mixed-method study examined teaching approaches and self-efficacy beliefs of academic staff and their relationship to the local academic and teaching culture at the Islamic University of Gaza. The research team consisting of the members of the project team, Pauliina Alenius, Tahani Aldahdouh, Vesna Holubek, Nazmi Al-Masri, Alyan El-Holy, Jyri Lindén and Vesa Korhonen, has prepared a research article to be published in an international peer-reviewed journal.

More information about the conference:

FERA Conference on Education (15-16 November 2018)