The first Advisory board meeting was held online

The project’s Advisory board met in an online meeting on 19.3.2018. The Advisory board consists of external experts in the field of education and education research. The expertise of the Advisory board members supports the project implementation, especially the assessment and research phases of the project. Three academics coming from three different higher education institutions (including one academic from IUG) were asked to join the Advisory board and contribute to the project with their expertise. The Project board also joined the online meeting and two Project board members were delegated into the Advisory board.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Advisory board was formally established and it was decided that in addition to the five regular members of the Advisory board, all Project board members are welcome to join the Advisory board meetings. According to the work plan, the Advisory board will meet at least three times during the project.

After a short presentation of the project goals and progress of the project implementation, the discussion focused on the assessment and research phases in the project and the role of the Advisory board in it. The planning of the project’s training programme was also discussed during the meeting.

The discussion raised interesting questions and fresh ideas regarding the assessment, research and training planned within the project. Based on the Advisory board’s valuable input, the project team will review the planned project activities and their implementation.