Opening of studio classroom as a final step in establishing the Academic Excellence Unit at IUG

As one of the main goals of the eTraining FinPal project, the establishment of the Academic Excellence Unit at IUG has been finalised on 31 July 2018 by opening a studio classroom at IUG.

The studio classroom was officially opened by Prof. Dr. Salem Hellis, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mohammed Al-Hanjouri, Dean of Quality and Development and IT affairs, and Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri, Project Director at IUG. The IUG project team, Dr. Alyan Holy, Dr. Bassam Saqqa, Ms. Amani Al-Mqadma, Dr. Ayman Al-Sakka, and Ms. Azza Al-Sahhar attended the ceremony together with number of IUG staff members.

In his speech, Prof. Hellis emphasised the importance of the eTraining FinPal project goals in improving the quality of education at IUG. He congratulated the project team on establishing the Academic Excellence Unit and opening of the studio classroom and expressed his gratitude to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland for funding the project.

Dr. Mohammed Al-Hanjouri explained that the newly established Academic Excellence Unit will operate under the Deanship of Quality and Development and IT affairs in collaboration with other IUG units such as the Training unit, Planning and development unit and E-Learning centre. He stressed the important role of the facilities and equipment procured for the Academic Excellence Unit in developing the modern teaching and learning methods, and in enhancing the collaborative activities between the academics inside and outside IUG.

Dr. Al-Masri expressed his gratitude to the numerous IUG administrative and academic staff members, IUG and UTA project team members and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland that have enabled the opening of the studio classroom and establishment of the Academic Excellence Unit at IUG. He pointed out that opening of the studio classroom is a great success and an important outcome of the project, which is being implemented under challenging societal circumstances in Gaza. He added that the eTraining FinPal project established a mutual understanding and sustainable partnership between UTA and IUG.

Academic Excellence Unit at IUG will offer training on university pedagogy to IUG academics as well as academics at other Palestinian higher education institutions. Studio classroom will provide facilities and equipment needed for the unit’s operation together with a computer classroom opened on 28 February 2018 at IUG. The multipurpose computer and studio classrooms will be used for dissemination of pedagogical knowledge and skills by offering online and face-to-face trainings.

The studio classroom is equipped with contemporary equipment for recording and editing the video materials such as recorded lectures. The equipment includes professional video camera, master computer, video and sound mixer. Furthermore, the computer classroom is equipped with 25 laptops, smart screen and wireless microphones. These facilities will benefit the whole university community and enrich the learning environment at IUG.


Video: Opening ceremony of the studio classroom at IUG 31.7.2018

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