HEI ICI project coordinators met in Helsinki

UTA project team members met with other HEI ICI project coordinators in Helsinki. HEI ICI coordinator’s meeting was organised on 16th and 17th of November by the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI). The meeting gathered project coordinators coordinating 20 projects within the HEI ICI programme 2016-2018 as well as representatives from EDUFI and from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

The meeting agenda covered topics related to monitoring and reporting of HEI ICI projects emphasising the important aspects of reporting the project results. During the second meeting day, project coordinators discussed about communication in development projects through the workshop named “How to communicate project results?”. The coordinators also had the opportunity to share their experiences and advice for coordinating an international development project.

At the beginning of 2018, EDUFI will organise a Reporting Webinar to support the coordinators in preparing the first annual progress report.