Five academics from the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) visited the Tampere University (TAU) from 16th to 20th of September 2019. For two IUG academics who were trained in the FinPal training of trainers, Somaya Iqelan (Lecturer at the Faculty of Education) and Anwar Awadallah (Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering), the visit provided an opportunity to observe the pedagogical ideas and practices in the Finnish university. Bassam Saqqa and Azza AlSahhar, members of the FinPal project team, met with the Finnish team members for the first time in person, after a successful two-year online collaboration. Ibrahim AlAstal, Dean of the Faculty of Education at IUG, visited TAU through Erasmus+ ICM cooperation established between the Islamic University of Gaza, Birzeit University and Tampere University in 2018.
Two FinPal project meetings were organised during the visit to discuss the project activities. The main discussion topic was the ongoing pedagogical training organised by the IUG Academic Excellence Unit which received very positive feedback from the trainees and trainers.
During their visit to Tampere, IUG academics met also with Marita Mäkinen, Vice Dean for Education in TAU Faculty of Education and Culture, and with Laura Lalu and Kaisa Kurki, TAU international coordinators. Visiting Hervanta campus and attending seminars and lectures in the City centre campus were also included in the 5-day visit programme.
Five IUG academics visit Tampere University (16-20 September 2019)