eTraining FinPal cooperation launched in a meeting held online

UTA and IUG teams had a video-conference meeting on 7.6.2017 and officially initiated the eTraining FinPal cooperation project.

During the meeting the teams discussed about the future project activities and agreed on the preliminary work plan. There was also a brief conversation about the cooperation agreement between UTA and IUG that will be signed during the summer months.

The central topic of the meeting was formation of the Project board. According to the HEI ICI funding framework , the Project board is a decision-making authority in the project. The key function of the Project Board is to monitor project progress and to support the cooperating universities in carrying out the project activities.

eTraining FinPal Project Board consists of 7 board members – representatives of UTA and IUG – and it is chaired by Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri from Islamic University of Gaza.

The meeting agenda also included a conversation about organizing a project kick-off meeting in autumn 2017 in Tampere. During the kick-off meeting teams will meet in person for the first time and discuss the detailed work plan for the implementation of the project.