An intensive face-to-face training at UTA and online training at IUG organised simultaneously

The training of trainers continues with an intensive training week organised during the week 37 (10.-14.9.2018). Five training participants from IUG joined the face-to-face training at University of Tampere. The rest of the participants who could not travel to Finland due to travelling restrictions in Gaza strip, joined the training online via Adobe Connect. Technical arrangements for the simultaneous face-to-face and online training provided the participants an opportunity to learn and experience the various facets of online learning.

The training sessions organised by the UTA trainers included topics related to the first training theme, Student learning and engagement:

  • Theories and practices related to learning in higher education
  • Motivating students to learn and engage in their studies
  • Planning of teaching and learning (learning goals, assessment and learning activities)
  • Professional development and expertise in teaching and learning

The training participants in Tampere had also an opportunity to learn about the Finnish education system by visiting a teaching session in the Faculty of Education, the UTA Teacher training school (Normaalikoulu), Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Tampere University of Technology.

The sessions were primarily held by UTA trainers, Jyri Lindén, Pauliina Alenius and Vesa Korhonen. In addition there were several visiting speakers including Marita Mäkinen, Vice Dean and Professor in the Faculty of Education, Maria Ruokonen, Demola facilitator, as well as  the representatives from Proakatemia, Y-kampus, Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Tampere University of Technology. The training sessions were recorded and made available to the participants for future use.

Participants and trainers feel that the intensive training week was a great success for the project despite the challenges related to travelling from Gaza to Finland. The intensive training was a great learning experience for participants, trainers, as well as the project team.


Online training at IUG (10.-14.9.2018)

Group work – training at IUG (10.-14.9.2018)


Face-to-face training at UTA (10.-14.9.2018)

Group and individual work – training at UTA (10.-14.9.2018)

Visits in Tampere (10.-14.9.2018)