FEMCORUS Symposium: Roundtable on methods

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Digital entanglements: doing feminist research in the time of crisis

Dr Marjo Kolehmainen is a Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland and Adjunct Professor (Docent) in Gender Studies at the Tampere University, Finland. Her current project ‘Networked Care: Explorations of Intimacy in Digital Therapy’ (NetCare) explores digital healthcare practices, aiming at producing novel insights into how human well-being is co-constituted with technological infrastructures. Kolehmainen’s research is situated at the crossroads of feminist posthumanism(s) and science and technology studies, and her research interests include e.g. intimacy, affect, more-than-human care, and sensory matterings.
Ekaterina Borozdina is a postdoctoral researcher at Tampere University's Faculty of Social Sciences. Prior to moving to Tampere in 2022, she worked as a research fellow in the Gender Studies program at The European University at St. Petersburg. Her research interests lie at the intersection of gender studies and health sociology; specifically, she has studied care and caring professions in the medical environment.
Valentyna Shapovalova is a PhD Fellow in the Media Studies section of the Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen (2020- to date). Her PhD project is a theoretical and empirical exploration of the gendered discourses in the Russian state-aligned media, with the focus on propaganda and disinformation within the current context of Russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine. Valentyna’s main research interests include (Russian) information warfare and propaganda; feminist media studies; mediated gender and sexuality studies; non-democratic media systems and ecologies; and critical discourse analysis.
Inna Perheentupa is a Senior Researcher in sociology at the University of Turku. She is the author of the book Feminist Politics in Neoconservative Russia (2022). Her research interests include political sociology, gender studies, and ethnographic methods. Previously, she worked as a journalist and a communications planner for the leading Finnish media outlets such as Helsingin Sanomat, Finnish Broadcasting Company and the Finnish News Agency. Currently Inna is involved in a research project funded by the Academy of Finland called Political Imagination and alternative futures and (https://polima.fi/in-english/). Subsequently, Inna will join the research project Equality to economics, feminism to fiscal policy: Tensions of feminist knowledge and politics in the strategic state (FEMTIE) (Kone Foundation)– and then FEMCORUS.