27.01.23 Digital Transformations of Feminisms in Russia and Eastern Europe

Online seminar, jointly organised by UCL SSEES and Tampere University’s FEMCORUS research project, which will discuss the current state and prospects of feminism from the vantage point of digital communication technologies.

27.01.2023 12 pm

This event addresses the rapid transformation of the legislative and political context in which digital platforms are used by Russian and Eastern European feminist activists, artists, and journalists. The participants will discuss the role of digital dis/connectivity for feminist NGOs and transnational networks and how online media can popularise the feminist agenda. The presentations will adress the risks and advantages of social media platforms when creating and maintaining transgressive grassroots movements aiming at decolonising post-socialist imperial spaces through anti-racist, queer, feminist, and anti-war resistance networks.

The programme consists of two sessions. A keynote address by Inna Perheentupa (U Turku) moderated by Saara Ratilainen (TAU) will be followed by a roundtable discussion with Natalia Kovyliaeva (U Tartu), Viktoria Kravtsova (Feminist Translocalities project), Lola Tagaeva (Verstka media) and Maryia Shkumayeva (Feminist Anti-War Resistance), moderated by Ella Rossman (UCL SSEES).


12:00-12:50 “Digital feminist activism in Russia and beyond – challenges and possibilities“. Keynote by Inna Perheentupa (University of Turku), chair – Saara Ratilainen (Tampere University).

13:00-14:30 Roundtable “Digital feminism and its transformations

Chair: Ella Rossman (UCL SSEES)


Victoria Kravtsova (Feminist Translocalities project)

Maryia Shkumayeva (Feminist Anti-War Resistance)

Lola Tagaeva (Verstka Media)

Natalia Kovyliaeva (University of Tartu)