03.12.21 FEMCORUS Kick-off Seminar

This seminar discusses the basic ideas, objectives and methodologies of the Academy of Finland funded research project Mediated Feminism(s) in Contemporary Russia (FEMCORUS, 2021-25).

The event is open to everyone interested. If you want to participate, please send an email to Saara Ratilainen (saara.ratilainen / @ / tuni.fi) by Tuesday 30 November to obtain the Zoom link.

The project investigates the following questions:

  • How should media and feminism be studied in the 21st century, in the context of Russian contemporary culture and society?
  • What are the most challenging ethical concerns relating to qualitative study of media data retrieved from and analysed in an online environment?
  • What is the explanatory power of such contested concepts as “neoliberal feminism,” “post-feminism,” and “Instagram feminism” when inquiring about the role of convergence media for feminist empowerment, gender equality, and societal development in Russia?

The kick-off seminar discusses these questions and more with colleagues in Media and Communication Studies, Gender and Feminist Studies, and Russian and East European Studies. The event is also set to establish the international FEMCORUS network.

The event programme is as follows (times mentioned first are Finnish times, EET):

  • 10:45 (8:45 GMT / 11:45 MSK) Opening of the seminar
  • 11:00–12:30 (9:00–10:30 GMT / 12:00–13:30 MSK) Introduction to FEMCORUS: research and people.
    • Presenters: Galina Miazhevich (Cardiff University), Daniil Zhaivoronok (Tampere University), Saara Ratilainen (Tampere University), Inna Perheentupa (University of Turku)
  • 12:30–13:00 (10:30–11:00 GMT / 13:30–14:00 MSK) Lunch break
  • 13:00–14:30 (11:00–12:30 GMT / 14:00–15:30 MSK / 6:00–7:30 a.m. EST) Roundtable “Rethinking Feminism: Authoritarianism, Celebrity, and Global Media”
    • Speakers: Elena Zdravomyslova (European University at St. Petersburg), Stephen Hutchings (University of Manchester), Catherine Rottenberg (University of Nottingham), Helena Goscilo (Ohio State University)
    • Chair: Saara Ratilainen
  • 14:40–15:20 (12:40–13:20 GMT / 15:40–16:20 MSK / 7:40–8:20 a.m. EST) Feedback and discussion

Feel free to join for the whole day, or just part of the time!