I am a social scientist interested in community relations and their dynamics in diversifying urban environments. I seek to understand changing political and social landscapes by engaging with daily practices and forms of interaction. Currently, I lead the ERC funded project EmergentCommunity (2021-2025) where we work towards creating empirically grounded knowledge on coexistence and conflict. See more: https://www.tuni.fi/en/research/coexistence-and-conflict-age-complexity-emergentcommunity
Coexistence and conflict in the age of complexity (ERC Starting Grant 2021-2025), Neighbourhood Yurt: a study of social relations and neighbourhood dialogues (Kone Foundation 2018-2021)
Määttä, S., Puumala, E. & Ylikomi, R., 2023, Kieli, hyvinvointi ja haavoittuvuus: Kohti kielellistä osallisuutta. Paananen, J., Lindeman, M., Lindholm, C. & Luodonpää-Manni, M. (toim.). Gaudeamus, s. 73-94
Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
I work as a postdoctoral research fellow in the project Coexistence and conflict in the age of complexity (EmergentCommunity). The project is led by senior research fellow Eeva Puumala and funded by European Reseach Council.