Books and Special Issues
Ahrens, Petra, Anna Elomäki, and Johanna Kantola (2022). European Parliament’s Political Groups in Turbulent Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Sawer, Marian, Lee Ann Banaszak, Jacqui True, and Johanna Kantola (2021). Handbook on Feminist Governance. Edward Elgar.
Elomäki, Anna and Hanna Ylöstalo (eds.) (2021). Euroopan unionin poliittinen talous [Political economy of the EU], Special Issue for Poliitinen talous [Finnish Journal of Political Economy] 9(1).
Elomäki, Anna, Johanna Kantola, and Paula Koskinen Sandberg (2021). Social partners and gender equality: Change and continuity in gendered corporatism in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Lombardo, Emanuela, Johanna Kantola, and Ruth Rubio (eds.) (2021). ‘De-democratisation and opposition to gender equality policies in Europe’. Guest edited Special Issue for Social Politics.
Kantola, Johanna and Emanuela Lombardo (2020). ‘Populism and Feminist Politics’. A guest edited Symposium for International Political Science Review. Read the Introduction.
Miller, Cherry (2021). Gendering the Everyday in the UK House of Commons: Beneath the Spectacle. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ahrens, Petra, Katja Chmilewski, Sabine Lang, and Birgit Sauer (eds.) (2020). Gender Equality in Politics. Implementing Party Quotas in Germany and Austria. Cham: Springer.
Ahrens, Petra and Lise Rolandsen Agustin (eds.) (2019). Gendering the European Parliament: Structures, Policies and Practices. Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Journal Articles
Kantola, Johanna, Anna Elomäki, Barbara Gaweda, Cherry Miller, Petra Ahrens, and Valentine Berthet (2022). ‘“It’s like shouting to a brick wall”: Normative whiteness and racism in the European Parliament’. AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW. Online first, 1-16. Open access
Ahrens, Petra, Petra Meier, and Lise Rolandsen Agustín (2022). ‘The European Parliament and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Achievements Based on the Concept of Power’. Journal of Common Market Studies. Online first. Open access doi:
Kantola, Johanna and Cherry Miller (2022). ‘Eternal Friends or Jubilant Brexiteers? The Impact of Brexit on UK MEPs’ Parliamentary Work in the European Parliament’. Journal of Common Market Studies. Online first. Open access doi:
Ahrens, Petra and Anna Elomäki (2022). ‘Researching without asking actors directly: the value of interpretative methods in studying gender mainstreaming implementation in the European Parliament’. Political Research Exchange. Online first. Open access doi:
Gaweda, Barbara, Marco Siddi, and Cherry Miller (2022). ‘What’s in a name? Gender equality and the European Conservatives and Reformists’ group in the European Parliament’. Party Politics. Online first. Open access doi: 10.1177/13540688221116247
Ahrens, Petra and Johanna Kantola (2022). ‘Political Group Formation in the European Parliament: Negotiating Democracy and Gender’. Party Politics. Online first. Open access doi:
Berthet, Valentine (2022). ‘United in Crisis: Abortion Politics in the European Parliament and Political Groups’ Dispute over EU Values‘. Journal of Common Market Studies. Online first. Open access doi:
Elomäki, Anna and Petra Ahrens (2022). ‘Contested gender mainstreaming in the European Parliament’. European Journal of Gender and Politics. 5 (3), 322–340. doi:
Zacharenko, Elena and Anna Elomäki (2022). ‘Constructions of care in EU economic, social, and gender equality policy: care providers and care recipients vs. the needs of the economy?’ Social Politics. International Journal of Gender, State & Society. Online first. Open access doi:
Miller, Cherry (2022). ‘Between Westminster and Brussels: Putting the “Parliament” in Parliamentary Ethnography’. Politics & Gender. Online first. Open access doi: 10.1017/S1743923X22000071
Elomäki, Anna and Barbara Gaweda (2022). ‘Looking for the ‘social’ in the European Semester: European Parliament and the ‘socialization’ of the European Semester’. Journal of Contemporary European Research 18(1), 166-183. Open access doi:
Elomäki, Anna and Johanna Kantola (2022). ‘Feminist Governance in the European Parliament: The Political Struggle over the Inclusion of Gender in the EU’s Covid-19 Response’. Politics & Gender. Open access doi: 10.1017/S1743923X21000544
Berthet, Valentine (2022). ‘Norm under fire: Support for and opposition to the EU’s ratification of the Istanbul Convention in the European Parliament’. International Feminist Journal of Politics. Open access doi:
Ahrens, Petra, Barbara Gaweda, and Johanna Kantola (2021). ‘Reframing the language of human rights? Political group contestations on women’s and LGBTQI rights in European Parliament debates’. Journal of European Integration. Online first. Open access doi:
*Read a blog post about the journal article on LSE EUROPP here
Cavaghan, Rosalind and Anna Elomäki (2021). ‘Dead ends and blind spots in the European Semester: the epistemological foundation of the crisis of social reproduction’. Journal of Common Market Studies. Open Access doi:
Berthet, Valentine (2021). ‘Mobilization against sexual harassment in the European Parliament: the MeTooEP campaign’. European Journal of Women’s Studies. Online first. Open Access doi:
Kantola, Johanna and Emanuela Lombardo (2021) ‘Challenges to democratic practices and discourses in the European Parliament: Feminist perspectives on the politics of political groups’. Social Politics 28 (3), 579-603. Open access doi:
Gaweda, Barbara (2021). ‘Europeanization, Democratization, and Backsliding: Trajectories and Framings of Gender Equality Institutions in Poland’. Social Politics 28 (3), 629-655. Open access doi:
Elomäki, Anna (2021). ‘“It’s a total no-no.” Strategic silence about gender in the European Parliament’s economic governance debates’. International Political Science Review. Online first. Open access doi:
Elomäki, Anna and Anni Marttinen (2021). ‘Talouskuri ja byrokraattinen asiantuntijavalta. Eurooppalaisen ohjausjakson toimeenpano ja merkitys Suomessa’ [Austerity and the power of experts. Implementation and significance of the European Semester in Finland]. Poliittinen talous 9(1), 41-71. doi:
Ahrens, Petra (2021). ‘Gender Mainstreaming im Europäischen Parlament: Geschichte, Institutionalisierung, Hindernisse’. GENDER Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft 13(1), 11-26. doi:
Kantola, Johanna and Cherry Miller (2021). ‘Party politics and radical right populism in the European Parliament: Analysing political groups as democratic actors’. Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) 59(4), 782-801. Open access. doi:
Kantola, Johanna and Emanuela Lombardo (2021). ‘Opposition strategies of right populists against gender equality in a polarized European Parliament”, International Political Science Review 42(5), 565-579. Open access doi:
*Read a blog post about the journal article on LSE EUROPP here
Ahrens, Petra, Silvia Erzeel, Elizabeth Evans, Johanna Kantola, Roman Kuhar, and Emanuela Lombardo (2021). ‘Gender and Politics Research in Europe: Towards a Consolidation of a Flourishing Political Science Subfield?’ European Political Science 20, 105-122. doi:
Elomäki, Anna (2020). ‘Economization of expert knowledge about gender equality in the European Union’. Social Politics: International Studies in State, Gender & Society 28(4), 1162–1184. doi:
Miller, Cherry (2020). ‘Parliamentary Recruitment in the UK House of Commons: De-Gendering Workplace Structures: Gendering the Applicant’, Parliamentary Affairs 75(1), 39-57. doi:
Miller, Cherry (2020). ‘Parliamentary Ethnography and Feminist Institutionalism: Gendering Institutions – But how?’ European Journal of Politics and Gender 4(3), 361–380. doi:
Berthet, Valentine and Johanna Kantola (2020). ‘Gender, violence and political institutions: Struggles over sexual harassment in the European Parliament’, Social Politics 28(1), 143-167. Open Access doi:
Elomäki, Anna and Johanna Kantola (2020). ‘European Social Partners as Gender Equality Actors in EU Social and Economic Governance’, Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) 58(4), 999-1015. doi:
Ahrens, Petra and Alison Woodward (2020). ‘Adjusting venues and voices: populist and right-wing parties, the European Parliament and civil society equality organizations 2014–2019’, European Politics and Society 22(4), 486-502. doi:
Kantola, Johanna and Lise Rolandsen Agustin (2019). ‘Gendering the representative work of the European Parliament: A political analysis of women MEP’s perceptions of gender equality in party groups’, Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS). 57(4), 768-786. Open access doi:
Lombardo, Emanuela and Johanna Kantola (2019). ‘European integration and disintegration: Feminist perspectives to inequalities and social justice’, Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) 57, 62-76. doi:
Ahrens, Petra (2019). ‘The birth, life, and death of policy instruments: 35 years of EU gender equality policy programmes’, West European Politics 42(1), 45-66. doi:
Ahrens, Petra, and Anna van der Vleuten (2019). ‘Fish Fingers and Measles? Assessing Complex Gender Equality in the Scenarios for the Future of Europe’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 58, 292– 308. doi:
Kantola, Johanna and Emanuela Lombardo (2019). ‘Populism and feminist politics: The cases of Finland and Spain’, European Journal of Political Research (EJPR) 84 (4), 1108-1128. Open access doi:
Elomäki, Anna (2019). ‘Governing Austerity: Governance Reforms as Facilitators of Gendered Austerity in Finland’, Australian Feminist Studies 34 (100), 182-197. doi: 10.1080/08164649.2019.1644607
Ahrens, Petra (2019). ‘Einstellungen zu geschlechterpolitischen Fragen im gesamteuropäischen Vergleich’, Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen 59(3-4), 84-97.
Kantola, Johanna and Mieke Verloo (2018). ‘Revisiting gender equality at times of recession: A discussion of gender and politics scholarship’s strategies of dealing with equality’, European Journal of Politics and Gender 1 (1-2), 205-222. doi:
Book Chapters
Kantola, Johanna, Anna Elomäki, and Petra Ahrens (2022). ‘Introduction: European Parliament’s Political Groups in Turbulent Times’ in Petra Ahrens, Anna Elomäki, and Johanna Kantola (eds.) European Parliament’s Political Groups in Turbulent Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Open access:
Kantola, Johanna (2022). ‘Parliamentary Politics and Polarization around Gender: The Case of Tackling Gendered Inequalities in Political Groups in the European Parliament’ in Petra Ahrens, Anna Elomäki, and Johanna Kantola (eds.) European Parliament’s Political Groups in Turbulent Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Open access:
Elomäki, Anna, Barbara Gaweda, and Valentine Berthet (2022). ‘Political dynamics, power struggles and intraparty policy-formation in the European Parliament’ in Petra Ahrens, Anna Elomäki, and Johanna Kantola (eds.) European Parliament’s Political Groups in Turbulent Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Open access:
Ahrens, Petra and Johanna Kantola (2022). ‘Negotiating Power and Democracy in Political Group Formation in the European Parliament’ in Petra Ahrens, Anna Elomäki, and Johanna Kantola (eds.) European Parliament’s Political Groups in Turbulent Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Open access:
Elomäki, Anna, Petra Ahrens, Johanna Kantola (2022). ‘Turbulent Times for the European Parliament’s Political Groups? Lessons on Continuity and Change’ in Petra Ahrens, Anna Elomäki, and Johanna Kantola (eds.) European Parliament’s Political Groups in Turbulent Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Open access:
Miller, Cherry (2022). ‘”Ethno, ethno, what?” Using ethnography to explore the European Parliament’s Political Groupings in Contested times’ in Petra Ahrens, Anna Elomäki, and Johanna Kantola (eds.) European Parliament’s Political Groups in Turbulent Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Open access:
Kantola, Johanna and Cherry Miller (2022). ‘Gendered leadership in the European Parliament’s political groups’ in Henriette Mueller and Ingeborg Toemmel (eds.) Women and leadership in the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gaweda, Barbara (2022). ‘Reinventing Resistance: An Intersectional Look at the Feminist Responses to Anti-Gender+ Equality in Poland’ in Bianka Vida (ed.) The Gendered Politics of Crises and De-Democratization. Opposition to Gender Equality. ECPR Press.
Elomäki, Anna and Johanna Kantola (2022). ‘European Social Partners: Advancing and Opposing European Union’s Gender Equality Policies’ in Anna Elomäki, Johanna Kantola and Paula Koskinen Sandberg (eds.) Social partners and gender equality: Change and continuity in gendered corporatism in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Johanna Kantola and Emanuela Lombardo (2022) ‘The European Parliament as a gender equality actor: A contradictory forerunner’ in Marian Sawer, Lee Ann Banaszak, Jacqui True, Johanna Kantola (eds.). Handbook of Feminist Governance. Edward Elgar.
Ahrens, Petra (2022). ‘Velvet triangles and more: supranational EU gender equality actors in action’ in Marian Sawer, Lee Ann Banaszak, Jacqui True, Johanna Kantola (eds.). Handbook of Feminist Governance. Edward Elgar.
Elomäki, Anna (2022). ‘Challenges to feminist knowledge? The economization of EU gender equality policy’ in Marian Sawer, Lee Ann Banaszak, Jacqui True, Johanna Kantola (eds.). Handbook of Feminist Governance. Edward Elgar.
Elomäki, Anna and Johanna Kantola (2021). ‘Tasa-arvopolitiikka: epätasaista kehitystä, poliittisia suunnanmuutoksia ja polarisaatiota’ [EU gender equality policy: uneven progress, political U-turns and polarization] in Juho Saari and Tapio Raunio (eds.) Moninaisuudessaan yhtenäinen? Euroopan unionin suunta. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Ahrens, Petra and Lise Rolandsen Agustín (2021). ‘European Party Politics’ in Gabriele Abels et al. (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Gender and EU Politics. London: Routledge.
Ahrens, Petra and Lise Rolandsen Agustín (2021). ‘European Parliament’ in Gabriele Abels et al. (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Gender and EU Politics. London: Routledge.
Kantola, Johanna and Emanuela Lombardo (2021). ‘Economic Crisis and Austerity Politics’ in Gabriele Abels et al. (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Gender and EU Politics. London: Routledge.
Lombardo, Emanuela and Johanna Kantola (2021). ‘Social Constructivism’ in Gabriele Abels et al. (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Gender and EU Politics. London: Routledge.
Cavaghan, Rosalind and Anna Elomäki (2021). ‘Feminist Political Economy and its Explanatory Promise’ in Gabriele Abels et al. (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Gender and EU Politics. London: Routledge.
Ahrens, Petra (2020). ‘Gleichstellungspolitik’ in Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (eds.) Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2020. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 253-256.
Warasin, Markus, Johanna Kantola, Lise Rolandsen Agustín and Ciara Coughlan (2020). ‘Politicisation of Gender Equality in the European Parliament: Cohesion and Inter-Group Coalitions in Plenary and Committees’ in Petra Ahrens and Lise Rolandsen Agustin (eds.) Gendering the European Parliament: Structures, Policies and Practices. London: Rowman and Littlefield/ECPR press, 141-158.
Ahrens, Petra (2020). ‘Working against the tide? Institutionalizing Gender Mainstreaming in the European Parliament’ in Petra Ahrens and Lise Rolandsen Agustin (eds.) Gendering the European Parliament: Structures, Policies and Practices. London: Rowman&Littlefield/ECPR Press, 85-101.
Ahrens, Petra and Lise Rolandsen Agustin (2020). ‘Gendering the European Parliament: Introducing Structures, Policies, and Practices’ in Petra Ahrens and Lise Rolandsen Agustin (eds.) Gendering the European Parliament: Structures, Policies and Practices. London: Rowman&Littlefield/ECPR Press, 1-15.
Meier, Petra, Petra Ahrens and Lise Rolandsen Agustin (2020). ‘*Gender*Power*? On the multiple relations between gender and power in the European Parliament’ in Petra Ahrens and Lise Rolandsen Agustin (eds.) Gendering the European Parliament: Structures, Policies and Practices. London: Rowman&Littlefield/ECPR Press, 199-212.
Elomäki, Anna and Johanna Kantola (2020). ‘Tasa-arvopolitiikan suunnanmuutos Euroopan unionissa’ in Johanna Kantola, Paula Koskinen Sandberg and Hanna Ylöstalo (eds.) Tasa-arvopolitiikan suunnanmuutos. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Ahrens, Petra and Petra Meier (2020). ‘Geschlechterquoten in der Politik: Verbesserte deskriptive Repräsentation oder langfristige Veränderung politischer Kultur?’ in Dorothee Beck and Annette Henninger (eds.) Konkurrenz für das politische ‚Alpha-Männchen‘. Wandel und Herausforderungen nach 100 Jahren Frauenwahlrecht. Frankfurt: Ulrike Helmer.
Ahrens, Petra (2019). ‘Gender Equality and Intersectionality in Supranational “Equality CSOs”: A Mountain Skyline?’ in Jill Irvine, Sabine Lang, Celeste Montoya (eds.) Gendered Mobilizations and Intersectional Challenges: Contemporary Social Movements in Europe and North America. Rowman & Littlefield/ECPR Press, 244-261.
Ahrens, Petra and Anna van der Vleuten (2019). ‘EU Gender Equality Policies in Times of Crisis: different instruments, different actors, different outcomes’ in Ingrid Jungwirth and Carola Bauschke-Urban (eds.) Gender and Diversity Studies: European Perspectives. Wiesbaden: Barbara Budrich, 31-54.
Ahrens, Petra (2019). ‘Gleichstellungspolitik’ in Werner Weidenfeld and Wolfgang Wessels (eds.) Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2019. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 275-278.
Kantola, Johanna and Emanuela Lombardo (2018). ‘EU gender equality policies’ in Hubert Heinelt and Sybille Münch (eds.) Handbook of European Policy: Formulation, development and evaluation. Edward Elgar.
Media appearances
December 2019 interviews given to international media by Johanna Kantola about gender and politics when Sanna Marin became to Prime Minister of Finland:
New York Times: Who Is Sanna Marin, Finland’s 34-Year-Old Prime Minister?
The Guardian: Feminism comes of age in Finland as female coalition takes the reins
Spiegel: Finnland: Warum diese Frauen regieren – und was Deutschland daraus lernen kann
BBC World News: BBC World News interview
The World Radio: Women now run politics in Finland
YLE News: Women now lead most Finnish political parties
MustRead: Unisex 04 – Miten sukupuolet vaikuttavat politiikkaan, Johanna Kantola ja Veronika Honkasalo?
12.10.2019 YLE/Radio Suomi, Maailman politiikan arkipäivää: Gender equality in Europe today (Johanna Kantola). Listen here (in Finnish)
23.8.2019 Suomen Kuvalehti, “Lasikattojen murtajat”, interview about women leaders in the EU (Johanna Kantola)
23.7.2019 Seura magazine. “Onko tämä naisten vuosi?” Interview about the role of gender equality in the selection of EU leaders. (Johanna Kantola)
20.6.2019 YLE, Radio, Mahadura & Özberkam, interview about sexism in politics. Listen here (in Finnish) (Johanna Kantola)
29.5.2019 YLE, Naisasiatoimisto Kaartamo ja Tapanainen, European Parliamentary elections from a gender perspective. Listen here (in Finnish) (Johanna Kantola)
16.4.2019 YLE, TV1, Aamu-TV, television interview about women in politics after Finnish parliamentary elections. (Johanna Kantola)
26.2.2019 YLE: Päättääkö hyvätuloinen ja keski-ikäinen mieskaarti Euroopan asiat? ”Tasa-arvoa näyttää olevan vara edistää vain taloudellisesti hyvinä aikoina” (Johanna Kantola)
2018 Ulkopolitiikka: Politiikassa naiset kokevat yhä jopa väkivaltaa – mutta toiko #metoo tasa-arvoa? (Johanna Kantola)
4.12.2017 Aamulehti: Sukupuolten tasa-arvossa on vielä paljon korjattavaa Suomessa: “Vallan huippu ja työmarkkinajärjestöt ovat yhä varsin miehisiä linnakkeita” (Johanna Kantola)
28.11.2017 University of Tampere: Johanna Kantola receives ERC funding for a study on gender equality in the European Parliament (Johanna Kantola) (In Finnish)