
Modernisation of university education programmes in foreign languages by integrating information technologies (DigiFLEd)

DigiFLEd is a three-year Erasmus+ CBHE project coordinated by the Languages Unit of the ITC Faculty. The project focuses on building the capacity of Ukrainian universities by modernising and digitalising 24 foreign language (FL) curricula. In the context of the current geo-political challenges facing Ukraine, the development of an accessible digital learning environment is crucial. DigiFLEd aims to ensure the continuity and resilience of educational processes, thereby preserving and nurturing Ukraine’s human capital for the future.

The target groups are FL students, university teaching staff and school teachers. The number of persons to benefit from the project is approximately 1400.

The main project activities include benchmarking visits of Ukrainian teams to the EU partner universities, Train-the-Trainers modules, development and piloting of seven ICT-enhanced courses for Ukrainian universities in collaboration with European peers, establishing a network of virtual resource centers, employer-networking events and a final conference.

Official project website

DigiFLEd General objective

The strategic objective is to enhance the quality of higher education in Ukraine by integrating  Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into foreign language-related curricula.

Specific objectives

  • to address mismatches between the requirements of the labour market and the offer of HEIs; 
  • to provide FL professionals with the necessary training in ICTs; 
  • to foster cooperation between partner universities; 
  • to strengthen the relationships between HEIs, schools and other stakeholders; 
  • to enhance the international visibility of the Ukrainian language and culture. 

Financial contribution

Total budget: 798 815.00

EU funding: 718 932.00

Project duration: January, 2024 – December, 2026


The DigiFLEd Consortium represents a network of 3 EU-based universities and 7 Ukrainian universities:

P1 – TAU (Tampere University, Finland) – Coordinator

P2 – NUIM (National University of Ireland Maynooth Kildare Ireland)

P3 – UOWM (University of Western Macedonia, Greece)

P4 – KKNU (V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine)

P5 – ZSU (Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University)

P6 – TNPU (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University)

P7 – MNU (V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine)

P8 – DSPU (State Higher Educational Institution Donbas State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)

P9 – DNU (Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine)

P10 – DONNU (Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine)

Work packages and WP Leads

The project implementation is carried out in line with the following work packages:

WP 1 Project Management – TAU

WP 2 Benchmarking studies – KKNU

WP 3 Method Training – NUIM

WP 4 Content Training – TAU

WP 5 Development and delivery of courses – DSPU

WP 6 Quality Assurance – MNU

WP 7 Communication and Dissemination – DNU