Ninja Kajas at IEEE FLEPS 2024

Ninja presented their work on Fabricating Ultrathin Piezoelectric Sensors in Ambient Conditions with Low Operation Voltage at IEEE FLEPS 2024.

CONVERGENCE Doctoral Researcher Ninja Kajas participated in the IEEE International Conference on Flexible Printable Sensors and Systems on 30 June – 04 July, 2024!

“I had the pleasure to take part in IEEE FLEPS  in Tampere where I presented my poster titled ”Fabricating ultrathin piezoelectric sensors in ambient conditions with low operation voltage”, Ninja says.

The technical program was packed with presentations and invited talks, based on almost 100 rigorously reviewed papers. New focused sessions explored innovative applications and materials, including: Bioinspired Flexible Photonics and Electronics, Novel Hydrogel Materials for Flexible Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Optoelectronic Wearable Devices. These sessions highlighted the latest advancements and offered glimpses into the future of flexible electronics.

“The event was full of inspiring presentations and very nice conversations among the community members. I sincerely admire the effort Matti Mäntysalo has put into organizing all this with the help of rest of the committee and volunteers.  I’d also like to thank my coauthors for all your help and support”, Ninja concludes the event.

Ninja Kajas

  • Doctoral Researcher
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358503094204