Exciting Start for CONVERGENCE Doctoral Researchers: Transferable Skills Training Kicks Off

As these brilliant minds step into the vibrant academic community, we're delighted to announce the launch of their academic journey with a unique and impactful experience — first transferable skills training, right on the heels of their arrival.

A warm welcome to Tampere University’s inaugural cohort of doctoral researchers! As these brilliant minds step into the vibrant academic community, we’re delighted to announce the launch of their academic journey with a unique and impactful experience — first transferable skills training, right on the heels of their arrival.

The commitment to nurturing not just academic prowess but also practical skills that transcend disciplines is at the heart of our approach. This tailor-made training program aims to equip our researchers with the tools needed to excel in their academic pursuits and beyond.

From effective communication and project management to team collaboration and leadership skills, this training sets the stage for a well-rounded academic and professional development. It’s a testament to Tampere University’s dedication to empowering our researchers with the skills needed to thrive in today’s dynamic and interconnected world.

Dr. Aleksandr Ometov, Coordinator of CONVERGENCE, shared his excitement, saying, “We believe in providing our doctoral researchers with a holistic experience. The transferable skills training is designed to complement their academic journey, ensuring they emerge as not only experts in their fields but also as well-rounded professionals ready to make a global impact.”

Stay tuned as we witness the fusion of academic excellence and practical skills, shaping a new generation of researchers poised for success. Here’s to a transformative journey at Tampere University!