The CAREFIT project investigates the physical activity behavior and functional ability of older informal caregivers, as well as how caregiving impacts caregivers’ adherence to a lifestyle program. The project is based on the internationally recognized FINGER intervention study conducted by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The randomized controlled FINGER study demonstrated that a multi-domain lifestyle program, which includes physical activity, can prevent the deterioration of the cognitive and physical functioning of older individuals at risk of dementia, and improve the quality of life.
In the CAREFIT project, the development of physical activity and functional capacity among older caregivers is examined using previous intervention and follow-up data from the FINGER study over a period of 10 years. In addition, the project explores the needs, barriers and preferences regarding physical activity via electronic survey and by interviewing older informal caregivers and professionals who work with them. Based on the information obtained from the survey and interviews, a physical activity program, lasting six months and based on the FINGER study, will be both developed and piloted, and it will be adapted to meet the needs of older informal caregivers.
The CAREFIT project produces new information about the challenges, incentives and benefits of physical activity for the health and well-being of older informal caregivers. The aim of the CAREFIT project is to assess the feasibility and adherence to the physical activity program tailored for informal caregivers. In addition, the project will investigate how the physical activity program affects the physical activity and functional ability of older informal caregivers. Using the information obtained from the project, targeted physical activity programs can be developed, which support the well-being of older informal caregivers. In addition, the project aims to improve the inclusion of informal caregivers and promote their accessibility to physical activity.
The CAREFIT project is funded by the Research Council of Finland’s new Academy Programme for Sport Science and Physical Activity (ACTIVE).
Partners and co-operators
The research is conducted in collaboration with the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, the University of Eastern Finland and Carers Finland. In addition, collaboration is being done with the Karolinska Institutet located in Stockholm.