A Recap of the BRIDPOL Summer Seminar 10.6.2024

BRIDPOL research group


Greet & Meet of BRIDPOL researchers at Tampere: Recap of BRIDPOL Seminar 10.6.2024

On June 10, 2024, the BRIDPOL-project (Policy Value amidst Hybridity) held its first consortium seminar at Tampere University, bringing together BRIDPOL researchers to explore the multifaceted dimensions of policy value amidst hybridity and introduce their own research ideas.

The seminar, hosted by the Faculty of Management and Business, commenced with a warm welcome and introduction of BRIDPOL consortium members. Jarmo Vakkuri and Jan-Erik Johanson led the first session, presenting the framework, concepts, and overarching plan of the BRIDPOL project. This session laid the foundation for understanding the project’s objectives and the significance of hybridity in contemporary policy analysis. Post lunch, the focus shifted to WP1, where Elina Vikstedt discussed a literature review paper on governing collaborations for sustainable development and Jan-Erik Johanson introduced an upcoming edited book titled “Public Policies for Hybrid Governance.” The session highlighted WP1’s objectives, activities, and planned publications, providing a comprehensive overview of the WP1.

Led by Tero Erkkilä and his team, WP2 explored the concept of public value and accountability in algorithmic governance and provided an overview of WP2 activities and main objectives for the duration of the project. WP2 researchers all introduced their on-going research projects connected to W2.  After a coffee break, Nina Helander took the stage to discuss WP3, which focuses on market value and business platforms for government digitalization. Nina presented various projects around WP3 exploring value co-creation and perceptions of value in cases explored by WP3 researchers. Sonja Kari presented her Master´s Thesis project focusing on competences of health care workers in digital era. The final session, led by Ilari Karppi and Teija Vainio, examined social value in the context of governing urban sustainability under hybridity. Using New York City as a case study, they illustrated the complexities and strategies of urban governance in hybrid contexts. The session concluded with a discussion on WP4’s goals, activities, and planned outputs.

The seminar day ended with a discussion and closing remarks by all consortium members, summarizing the day’s insights, and opening the floor for final reflections and ideas for future development. Participants then headed to Restaurant Pons for a dinner, providing an excellent opportunity for networking and continuing the discussion.

We at Tampere warmly thank everyone that was present for active participation and rich, interdisciplinary perspectives on policy value amidst hybridity that promise exciting developments for the project’s future research endeavors!