The first AI-SIM project meeting 6.3.2024

The first group meeting of the AI-SIM project was held on 6.3.2024, at the Hervanta campus of Tampere University.

During the meeting, all stakeholders of the project consortium introduced themselves and presented their plans related to the project. Contractual matters related to the project were also discussed, and research plans from Tampere University and the University of Turku were approved. Additionally, a representative from the project’s funder, Business Finland, provided insights into the tasks of the steering group, expectations for the project, and reasons for the funding decision.

Following the steering group meeting, the day continued with a kick-off workshop. In the workshop, the research plans of university research groups and other project stakeholders were discussed in more detail, along with further discussions on collaboration between the participating organizations. Finally, preliminary plans for the next phases of the project were outlined.