
A research project on contemporary Utopian imagination in Eastern Europe from a world-literary perspective

What happens to Utopia when the society which claimed to embody it disappears? After the demise of the Soviet Union, and in the midst of the current dystopian Russian war on Ukraine, this project investigates the fate of Utopia – as human impulse and literary form – precisely in Eastern Europe. Performing a systematic study of the aesthetic, formal and political stakes of Utopian literary production in the region from 1989 to the present, this project will show that Utopia survives, but in strange, new, often satirical, forms. By reading these forms in a global context in dialogue with contemporary theories of “world literature,” the project aims to ‘deprovincialise’ Eastern European futural imaginaries and to map anew the existing geographies of literary comparison.

This research consists of a project conducted by Natalya Bekhta on “After Utopia: World Literature and the Future of Eastern Europe” (funded during 2024-2029 by the Kone Foundation) and of a supporting larger-scale team project on “Utopia and Eastern European Literature after 1989” (funded during 2024-2028 by the Research Council of Finland). Our work is structured around three guiding categories of world literature: Utopia, satire, and the novel. The often overlooked literary production of Eastern Europe is the project’s corpus, with specific focus on contemporary Ukrainian, Polish and Hungarian fiction. With help of these categories and localized literary cases, the project produces a multi-scalar and multidirectional model for transnational comparative analysis (thereby challenging dominant circulationist and materialist theories of world literature). Combining cultural studies, philosophy, sociology and narratology, the project offers an innovative framework linking social and aesthetic concerns, such as localized literary figurations of a better future and ongoing global debates on planetary futures.

Ultimately, the project shows that, “after Utopia”, new Utopias emerge in the interstices of historical tragedy: they are multiple, formally heterogeneous, and prefigure various alternative trajectories for Eastern Europe and the world.


Kone Foundation

Research Council of Finland

Partners and collaborators

Research Project “Democracy in East Central European utopianism“, PI Zsolt Czigányik (2022-2025; Gerda Henkel Foundation; Central European University)

Researt Project “Narratives At the Margins of Europe (NAME)“, PI Neus Rotger (2024-2027; Spanish Research Agency; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

Consortium Project “Authors of the Story Economy: Narrative and Digital Capital in the 21st-Century Literary Field“, Director Maria Mäkelä (2024-2028; Research Council of Finland; Tampere University)